How to optimistically update the database when a form value changes?

I have this callback function that is called from a child component that updates the form (I’m using react-hook-form) of the parent component

  const goalSetter = useMemo(() => {
    return (value: string[]) => {
      const goals: Goals[] = value
        .map((goal) => stringToEnumValue(goal, Goals))
        .filter((v) => !!v) as Goals[];

      form.setValue('goals', [...goals]);
      await updateUserData('goals');
  }, []);

Problem is the updateUserData function takes a long time to execute and slows down the app. So, it takes about a second to see the visual feedback in the UI.


  const updateUserData = async (field: ProfileField) => {
    await form.trigger(field);
    if (form.formState.isValid) {
      await updateUser(userDataSchema.cast(form.getValues()));
    } else {
      form.setError(field, {
        type: 'validation-error',
        message: 'Please enter a valid input',
      console.log('form is not valid');

I have tried memoizing the functions but that barely makes a difference. How can I refactor this to do the update part in the background and increase the responsiveness ?

Any help is welcome. Thanks