Can i store and run website versions from a container with no software required

We are developing a website using Blazor.

The bosses would like something set up so each day we can create a build, and store that build on one of our shared drives for company wide viewing.

The purpose is so they can have a record of daily changes forever.

The issue is, they want anyone to be able to click on one button or file name. From this is will launch the entire website in a browser. They require no predownloaded software – this is the big issue!

Originally i was going to create a Docker container each day which i can share. But the company insists that there must be no predownloaded programs required at all.

I think im very stuck. The closest i think i can get is a html file they open to display a single page. But i have no idea how i can locally host and share a website. Without a program such as docker, VS code or other software.

The build files in Blazor are far more complicated than my normal React build files. There are so mnay dependencies required.

Im looking for a way to build or convert a file so i can store it as a zipped folder, then when one of the items inside is clicked on, the whole webpage runs.

I have tried creating a docker image and finding a way to run docker images without downloading the software.