When the button is pressed twice by the same user, it crashes the bot. Discordjs

I wanted to make a fight command. So basically,

1, the player would type /fight

2, embed and button will be displayed

3, when the player presses the punch button, it will decrease the enemy’s health. Which worked. But when the same player presses the punch button again, it will log ‘Interaction is already acknowledged.’ crashing the whole bot.

Here is the code where it went wrong, this is to prevent the ‘Interaction failed’ error that appears in discord:

 const collector = lastReply.createMessageComponentCollector({
                    componentType: ComponentType.Button,
                    time: 15000,
                    collector.on("collect", async (interaction) => {
                        await interaction.deferUpdate()

I got a seperate part to check if player had punched and decrease health

const confirmation = await lastReply.awaitMessageComponent({ time: 60_000 });
if (confirmation.customId === 'punch') {
 //the part where i decrease the enemy's health

I tried removing await interaction.deferUpdate() in the collector.on but it says ‘Interaction failed’.
I only wanted to allow the player to press the button twice without ‘Interaction failed’ error.