Typescript compiler not emitting errors in browser environment

I was making a code editor for typescript that runs within browser. For transpilation, i decided to use the typescript compiler (https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/typescript/5.1.6/typescript.min.js)

I transpiles to javascript, but is not emitting errors such as type errors, etc. The compiler I am using runs in a browser environment.

This is the typescript code before compiling
Raw typescript code

This is the code after compiling to javascript
Compiled typescript code

It should have raised some errors.

How do i enable the errors? Do i need to toggle some compiler options or do I need to use a different compiler?

For the code editor, you can find it at devnuts.surge.sh (for more clarity on what i am trying to make)


I’ve done some research on it but the most i could find was errors in nodejs environment.
I tried toggling the compiler options for emitting errors but didn’t help.