GA4 – call event via javascript working BUT send two event

When I use gtag to send an event, it works but too much :/
1 call = two call and to events on GA4 :/

GA4 installed alone.

This is my javascript test :

            gtag("event", "form_send_ok");

With chrome console :
On my network panel I got two line with
On my console log I got only one :

The two line in my network are not exactly the same, first finish by ‘_et=1’, second by ‘_et=2’
The event is counted twice in GA.

  • If,in the console I put gtag(“event”, “form_send_ok”); same thing, two call to ga4.
  • I check without extension on edge, same thing.
  • If you want try to fire an event on my website be my guest :

If someone have an idea please speak 🙂
Thank you for your help