Clear output text on react native.js

**Hi, I’m making a simple calculator, I’m trying to clear the output text when I click on the Del button. Right now it only clears input text. Please assist

your textimport React, { Component } from ‘react’;
your textimport { StyleSheet, Text, View, Button, TouchableOpacity } from ‘react-native’;

your textexport default class App extends Component {
your textconstructor() {
your textsuper();
your textthis.state = {
your text calculationText: “”,
your text resultText: “”,
your text };
your text this.operations = [‘Del’, ‘/’, ‘*’, ‘-‘, ‘+’];
your text}

your text calculateResult() {
your text const text = this.state.calculationText;
your text console.log(text, eval(text));
your text this.setState({
your text resultText: eval(text)
your text })

your text }
your text validate(){
your text const text = this.state.calculationText
your text switch(text.slice(-1)){
your text case ‘+’:
your text case ‘-‘:
your text case ‘*’:
your text case ‘/’:
your text return false
your text }
your text return true
your text}

your textbuttonPressed(text) {
your text //console.log(text);
your text if (text == ‘=’) {
your text return this.validate() && this.calculateResult(this.state.calculationText);
your text }

your text this.setState({
your text calculationText: this.state.calculationText + text,
your text });
your text }

your textoperate(operation) {
your textswitch (operation) {
your text case ‘Del’:
your text console.log(this.state.calculationText);
your text let text = this.state.calculationText.split(”);
your text text.pop();
your text this.setState({
your text calculationText: text.join(”),
your text });
your text break;
your text case ‘/’:
your textcase ‘*’:
your textcase ‘-‘:
your textcase ‘+’:
your text const lastCHar = this.state.calculationText.split(”).pop();
your text if (this.operations.indexOf(lastCHar) > 0) return;

  `your text`  if (this.state.text == '') return;
 `your text`   this.setState({
  `your text`    calculationText: this.state.calculationText + operation,
 `your text`   });

your text }
your text }

your textrender() {
your text let ops = [];
your text for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
your text ops.push(
your text <TouchableOpacity
your text style={styles.btn}
your text onPress={() => this.operate(this.operations[i])}>
your text
your text {this.operations[i]}
your text
your text
your text );
your text }

your text return (
your text
your text
your text {this.state.calculationText}
your text
your text
your text
your text
your text {rows}
your text

      `your text`<View style={styles.operations}>
      `your text`  {ops}
     `your text` </View>
   `your text` </View>
 `your text` </View>

your text );
your text}