Firestore query from collection if value exist in mapped array in expo

Im trying to get data from a collection where the information inside it is: owner_uid
members collection

and query my user collection if it exist there , if so to map it in array
users info collection

is there a way to query this?

also tried to map the the “members collection” and then try to query comparing to the array with no success , is it possible?
the code i tried:

 const { chh } = props.route?.params; //current house hold
  const [members, setMembers] = useState([]);
  const [chhUsers, setChhUsers] = useState([]);

  useEffect(() => {
    const q = query(collection(db, `households/${chh.title}/members/`));
    const querySnapshot = getDocs(q).then((querySnapshot) => {
      setChhUsers( =>;
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      const userdb = collection(db, `users`);
      const q = query(userdb, where("owner_uid", "==", chhUsers));
      const querySnapshot = getDocs(q).then((querySnapshot) => {
        setMembers( =>;
    }, 2000);
  }, []);

what i get from chhUsers:

Array [
  Object {
    "owner_uid": "4g8urzWb6RPP44ak9iPIlZidWDo2",

but the query of console.log(members); return empty

if i change the chhUsers in const q = query(userdb, where(“owner_uid”, “==”, chhUsers));
it return me the info