Type ‘string[]’ is not assignable to type ‘listData[]’

I am working on generic component where list view can be utilized by other components. But the issue is data format is different for each component. In my project I can’t use type any[] which will cause linting issues that I can’t skip also.

list-view.component.html(shared component)

          <div *ngFor="let list of lists">
              <ng-template #defaultTemplate>
                  <p> {{list}}</p>
              [ngTemplateOutlet]="optionTemplate || defaultTemplate"
              [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{ $implicit: list}"


          import {Component,ContentChild,EventEmitter,Input,Output,TemplateRef} from '@angular/core';

          export interface listData{
             id: number;
             brand: string;
             model: string;
             url: string;

             selector: 'app-my-selector',
             templateUrl: './my-selector.component.html',
           export class MySelectorComponent {
               @Input() lists: listData;  **// can't use any[], because of linting issue.**
               @ContentChild('optionTemplate', { static: false }) optionTemplate: TemplateRef;
               constructor() {}


           <div class="container">
              <app-my-selector [lists]="list">
                  <ng-template #optionTemplate let-list>
                       <img src="{{list.url}}" alt="{{list.model}}">
                       <p>{{list.brand}}: {{list.model}}</p>


            import { Component } from '@angular/core';

             export interface listData{
               id: number;
               brand: string;
               model: string;
               url: string;
                  selector: 'app-test1',
                  templateUrl: './test1.component.html',
             export class Test1Component {
                 list: listData= [
                          id: 1,
                          brand: 'TATA',
                          model: 'Indica - 2008',
                          url: '/indica-img.jpg'
                          id: 2,
                          brand: 'Suzuki',
                          model: 'Swift - 2011',
                          url: '/swift-img.jpg'
                 constructor() {}


                   <div class="container">
                      <app-my-selector [lists]="list"></app-my-selector>


                   import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core";
                        selector: "app-test2",
                        templateUrl: "./test2.component.html",
                   export class Test2Component {
                      list: string[];  **// this is where causing the issue.**
                      constructor() {}
                      ngOnInit() {
                         this.list = ['Harley Davidson','Bajaj','Triumph'];

If I run the above code I am getting Type ‘string[]’ is not assignable to type ‘listData[]’ in test2.component.html. Because test1 component is array of object data & test2 component is array data. So with out using any[] how can I achieve this.