Client-Side Routes with React Native Work Locally but not When Deployed with Heroic

I am in the middle of the development phase of this app, and we want to host it somewhere where the clients will be able to play around with it and see what features are currently existing. While all of the features and routes that we currently have are working properly on my machine locally, whenever we try to get the app running off of Expo-Go using Heroku to run the backend, none of the routes work anymore.
The Routes are all done on the client side of things, so the front-end files have everything involving routes. That part of my app.js file looks like this…

return (
        <ApolloProvider client={client}>
            <View style={AppStyles.container}>

                {loggedIn === false ? (<LandingPage handleLoggedIn={handleLoggedIn}/>) : null}
                {loggedIn === true ? (
                  <Banner handleLoggedIn={handleLoggedIn}/>
                ) : null}

                {loggedIn === true ? (
                    <Route exact path='/home' component={Home} />
                    <Route exact path='/shift_planner' component={ShiftPlanner} />

                    <Route exact path='/view_notifications' component={Notifications} />

                    <Route exact path='/leadership_notified' component={LeadershipNotified} />
                      <Route exact path='/police_contacted' component={PoliceContacted} />
                        <Route exact path='/please_remember' component={PleaseRemember} />
                          <Route exact path='/before_we_begin' component={BeforeWeBegin} />
                            <Route exact path='/create_or_add' component={CreateOrAdd} />
                              <Route exact path='/report_an_accident' component={ReportAnAccident} />
                        <Route exact path='/reportcollision' component={ReportCollision} />
                        <Route exact path='/reportinjuryaccident' component={ReportInjuryAccident} />
                        <Route exact path='/reportpropertyaccident' component={ReportPropertyAccident} />
                        <Route exact path='/reporthitperson' component={ReportHitPerson} />
                        <Route exact path='/reportinjuryreport' component={ReportInjuryReport} />

                    <Route exact path='/reporting' component={Reporting} />
                    <Route exact path='/productivity' component={Productivity} /> 
                    <Route exact path='/admin_messages' component={Communication} />
                    <Route exact path='/analytics' component={Analytics} />

                    <Route exact path='/settings' component={Settings} />
                      <Route exact path='/account_information' component={AccountInformation} />
                        <Route exact path='/edit_account_information' component={EditAccountInformation} />
                        <Route exact path='/view_accidents' component={ViewAccidents} />
                      <Route exact path='/account_settings' component={AccountSettings} />

                    <Route exact path='/score_card' component={ScoreCard} />
                      <Route exact path='/quality' component={Quality} />
                      <Route exact path='/safetyandcompliance' component={SafetyAndCompliance} />
                      <Route exact path='/team' component={Team} />

                ) : null}
              <StatusBar style="auto" />

To reiterate, this all worked perfectly whenever running on localhost. However now, whenever we attempt to change the route, nothing happens, and the app is permanently stuck on the domain with the route '/'

Since essentially every file has a route to another I’m not going to paste all of them here. The first example, however, will be the Login.js component. The user is to be rerouted to the '/home' page after successfully logging in

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { useRecoilState } from 'recoil'
import { userState } from '../../../../Recoil/atoms'
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-native';
import { Button } from 'react-native-paper';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { ButtonStyles } from '../../../../Styles/LandingPageStyles';
import { useMutation } from '@apollo/client';
import { LOGIN } from '../../../../GraphQL/operations';
import stateChange from '../../../../Hooks/handleToken'

const LoginButton = ({ userData, handleLoggedIn }) => {
    const [login, { loading: loading, error: error, data: data }] =
    const [buttonLoading, setButtonLoading] = useState(false)
    const [user, setUser] = useRecoilState(userState);
    let history = useHistory();

    useEffect( async () => {
        if (!loading && data) {
            await setUser(data.signinDriver)
            await stateChange(data.signinDriver.token);
            await handleLoggedIn()  // Throws an error if improper credentials entered
            await history.push("/home");
    }, [data])

    const handleButtonLoading = () => {

    return (
                    onPress={ async () => {
                        await handleButtonLoading()
                        await login({
                            variables: {
                                password: userData.password,


export default LoginButton;

Essentially, everywhere I have routing I use await history.push("/whatever_the_route_is"); And since the deployment on Heroku, I get nothing returned from this. Does anybody see a solution to this?