I have many clients that need a lot of different wordpress customizations. I am looking for a wordpress pro that will be able to handle all projects! Requires extensive experience with WordPress, its different widgets and ability to make any type of customization! Please review the theme itself, look at the code, css, etc to make sure you know what it will take to make these chances and how long it will take.
This project will be for http://www.onlyhotchicas.com blog
Want to take this theme http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/producer and customize it. Here are the changes required.
Featured pics. Want to reduce the size of pictures to 70% of current size.
Awesomeness, want to make the size a little larger than the size of the 3rd category, called girls!
On the bottom portion, the categories called: WTF, Funny, Brazilian Hotties, and UK hotties, I would like to have 3-4 pictures on each category going across and then if they want to see more of that category they can click a link called “More Great Pictures of …….” Whatever the category is.
When a picture is clicked on, it takes you to the post. I want 3 banners 300×250 each to be inserted between the ads for Google and the beginning of the post. The post title should be moved to be under the banners and before the post. Post should be aligned in the middle. The category list on the right, should start under the third banners.
On the left hand side of the post, I do not like the blogs on the left column as they appear now, I want to be able to put widgets that will show 160×600 banners etc.
When someone clicks on a picture within the post, currently they can see just a larger size of that picture. I would like the 3 300×250 banners on the top of the post to also appear on that page and the 160×600 banners on the left hand side!
I also want the option to put widgets under the pictures before the comments section. I assume I can remove the comments section within the theme panel.
One of the 3 banners from the top of the page need to be an email gathering widget where the visitor chooses to signup and receive a free ebook! These emails need to be stored in a way that we can easily notify them of each post.
Need a widget that will appear right below each post for viewers to vote as thumbs up or thumbs down!
Need a widget at the end of each story that will give the viewer the option or emailing the story to a friend. Want to be able to collect and store all these emails into a list that I can send faxes to!
Need to add a widget for people to click on and be able to go to the twitter account or vote for dig or reddit or stambleupon, etc.
Additional minor adjustments to the look after all changes will be made to make sure it looks great!