Tv/movie Link Indexing Porta 2

Tv/movie Link Indexing Porta 2

The website is a movie and television show link-indexing portal similar to that of surfthechannel but simplified. As the developer you would need to create two custom pluggins to work along with wordpress and possibly more. These plugins include a way for users to submit links to existing or non-existing tv-shows and movies. The ability for users to report broken miss categorized links.

The coding must be clean and light weight and be able to functions with other pluggins such as wp-super-cache and so on.

We have created a 4 page word document detailing how the website should look and function. Please look over this file carefully and then give us a quote.

***NOTE: Please do not bid on this project unless you are serious and have the skills to complete the job. We want this job done correct. This is only the initial development of this website meaning is a job is well done then the developer will be awarded with more projects.

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