Website Update: New Tab
Hey guys!
We need a new tab on our website ( called “More Info”.
The look and feel has to be exactly the same as our website: same font, same size, same colors, same design, same look & feel, same everything (for those who do not understand what I just said, please do not post your candidacy).
The document “DOWNLOADS Page.docx” gives you the idea of what we need. The person taking over the project must make sure the look and feel stays the same as the other tabs.
The links in the word document are not the good ones. They are just examples of look & feel we want to see. Colors have been selected roughly. Again, the designer as to integrate the documents and appropriate URL and match all other aspects (font, size, colors) according to the other website tabs.
access2sales_LR.pdf is the brochure
Access2Sales_overview PPT.pptx and .ppt are the Powerpoint presentations
Access2Sales_overview.pdf is the presentation in a PDF format.