Png Design To Xhtml/css Page
Simple PNG to XHTML project. Background mountain graphic should tile horizontally, side bar tabs should be pure CSS list format so we can add/remove easily.
We would like it in CSS for layout and include styles for the layout, h1, h2, links, etc. and basic text formatted.
We would like the logo to be a link and the ‘Click here for honest estimates’ area to be a link as well.
The top portion where the ‘Call to speak’ will be a flash animated area so do not include that in the graphic. Same with the Honeywell area. The design should be clean so we can have these flash in and on other pages the text will be higher. See the sample jpgs attached showing a page with all text.
In the PNG file, we created slices for your reference to where the divs need to be placed for the flash pieces and logo.
Remember, the menu needs to be a list with an option to have a sub list which is identical yet the text is indented a few spaces. The rollover effect should match the sample and the menu area and page must be able to stretch vertically to allow for extra menu links and pages with more text. We do not need DHTML/Layers/expanding menus – just a nice clean list with the ability to add a few links as needed in the future.
The main thing we are looking for is a high level of detail and precision in crafting this page – we need the final result to be just like the mockup design. We need the divs for the flash pieces made so we can easily add those elements.
Please create placeholder jpg/gifs for the flash areas shown as slices in the PNG. These will be the flash dimensions that we will swap out in real time.
Please see the attached PNG to insure the page design can be created identically or as close as possible.
Contact us with any questions. Please take a look at the attached samples before bidding. We do not need it ultra fast, we need it clean and accurate.
Thanks in advance.