Website For Hotel Bookings

Website For Hotel Bookings
Site needs to eye popping vibrant and colorful designed with the rain forest and tropical beaches Caribbean underwater pics etc.

I have seen some Flash sites that look excellent however I have read that Flash sites cannot be indexed by search engines so that eliminates flash for me, the sites have to be SEO compatable.

The template is VERY important as it will be used additional sites about Belize the template will be the same but the name of the site will change on it. If you are not a talented graphic artist please just bid on the other elements of the site.

PLEASE NOTE I need an expandable database to be able to add to as I intend on building other sites around a main domain.

The other sites will need database also they are on the same subject so want to be able to log into one database for all the sites so when the database is built it needs to be able to add other sites when I need to. If you need clarification on this please ASK FIRST prior to starting development.

The file explains everything in RED BOLD letters for instructions to developers

PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ IT any bids that are clearly cut and paste or its clear you have not read the file will be deleted.

I am looking for a long term partner in this as I have multiple sites for development and want a long term realationship.

THIS IS ONE OF 8 websites that I need developing please think long term.

thank you

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