Website Scripts And Flash Work

Website Scripts And Flash Work
Website: this is a Flower and Gift Shop Site

WILL PROVIDE the layered PSD files + images and be available on MSN – email to answer any questions that you may have plus provide passwords to cPanel + FTP on my VPN
Scripts we will provide:
Stiva BLOG – GALLERY – SHOPPING CART scripts ( for insertion to our site
including the OneAdmiN to combine the above admin panels


-install scripts provided onto our VPN
-provide a couple of layout design mockups for us to decide
-to provide some flash elements (can provide web links to elements we like)
be available to tweak the site
-header – footer – sidebar include files

————header flash
image= lapetiteheaderflash.jpeg
the BEE image would fly across the page (flash) and stop but continue flying

—————-top navigation (normal)
image= lapetitenavigationnormal.jpeg
normal navigation links to point to the appropriate pages

—————-top navigation (mouseover)
image= lapetitemouseover-1.jpeg
displays the effect when the mouse moves over any navigation link on the navigation bar
NOTE: (as shown on image) image illustrates the Giftware icon (gift box gets larger) flyout and gets larger when the mouseover happens

will need text links to the appropriate pages as displayed on image
require a PRIVACY POLICY text link,

————————MAIN PAGE————————————-
image= lapetitehomepage.jpeg

Install our Gallery Script

should place the NEWEST ITEM added from the Shopping Cart (will provide the modifivation to the Script)

image + text rollover, will provide 4 images with the corresponding text to rollover in a time delay

show the FLOWER items created in the SHOPPING CART SCRIPT Flower Category
show the GIFTWARE items created in the SHOPPING CART SCRIPT Giftware Category
image= lapetiteweddingpage.jpeg

will provide txt for insertion to the site
will provide txt for insertion to the site
same idea as the WEDDING Page
insert GoogleMap Code (provided by us)

Attached screenshots

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