Penny Auction Issues 2

Penny Auction Issues 2
I am looking for someone to fix an issue I am having with my penny auction site. I purchased a script from (telebidscript) and had it running on one domain.
Now I want it on second domain. They said I need to pay for the same script second time? I can’t install it on second domain. It doesn’t work. I get an error:

Fatal error:
The encoded file /home/bidchoic/public_html/app/controllers/components/mailer.php is not permissioned for in Unknown on line 0

I don’t want it to use this script on my first domain any more.
It looks like some files are IonCube encoded.
I want to run it on my second domain.

The programmer who accepts this project should have knowledge of CakePHP and IonCube.

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