Adding Features To Project
Current project needs extra features adding, coding will mainly be PHP based.
Added features wanted:
Karma – allow users to like or dislike status updates by clicking a button on each shout.
Members online – a box on the right hand side bar should show how many users are currently online.
Tags – users can add tags to there updates, these tags can be entered in a separate box and the latest tags can be shown in a box on the right side bar.
URL Shortening – if a user adds a URL it is automatically shortened so it doesn’t take all the users characters.
Smilies – when a user posts a 🙂 it automatically inserts a pre-set smiley the same for 😀 8) 🙁 etc
Search – currently the search only allows for Photos and Updates but we would like to have the a members search so users can search for other members either by user name or e-mail address
Amend Update box – the update box is currently on the right side bar but we would prefer it to be moved to above the updates stream
Embed Video – allow users to embed video using a code but only able to add videos at the size 320×265 which is the smallest format on You Tube
One stream – currently in the code there is one stream for updates and one for photos, this should be changed to one stream so if someone posts a picture it also shows in the same stream. Also any videos appear in the same stream as well.
Depending on the offer we might wish to have all or just some of these features added to the current site.