Scrap Posts From Blogs
I need a script to scrap ALL posts from 4 types of blogs (, self hosted wordpress, blogger, and typepad).
If a blog has 1000 posts, I want all 1000 posts to be extracted and stored in a database.
I will input the blog urls from an admin area and the script will get me all posts of the blog and store them into a SQL database.
The data extracted will be similar as what I will get from the rss feed of a blog. See below blog feed for an idea of the data i need…
If you have an existing script, please quote me a price.
If you need to develope the script, please briefly descript how your developed script will work.
THIS IS NOT A PROJECT TO GET CONTENT FROM RSS FEEDS. RSS feeds only has 20 posts maximum. I want to scrap all the posts from the blogs I want. All I need to do is to key in the url of the blog, and the script will scrap all posts from a blog.
All scripts will be tested and must work before payment will be made.
Programmer must be able to work on this project immediately and update me on the progress of the work regularly. Please only bid if you have experience in scrapping from websites.