Swf/game Auto-grabber
This is simple job for one who is experienced PHP CURL.
I need a simple auto-uploader script, which can fetched the GAMES THROUGH RSS and UPLOAD it to my AVS script, see AVS script demo as well.
This uploading will be set though a cronjob.
To upload a game into the current system:
Following fields needs to be required:
1-) Title of game
2-) Tags
3-) categories
4-) Source file (Game file)
5-) Thumb Image
I have 4-5 sites who publish RSS so you mag-pie to grab the RSS site list will be provided.. I want an automate system so the game could be downloaded to my server and uploaded on my site via CRONJOB.
If you have anything to clear please feel free to ask.
The budget is very low so do not bid high, as the bid will be removed.
I need to start is asap and finish it a day or two.
This is very simple job for a person knows what he’s doing.