Phpld Spam Removal Script
I need a programmer to develop a spam removal script for PHP Link Directory free version 2.1.2 . I would like this script to run automatically each time links are approved which I also have set up to run automatically. I would like this script to remove spam based on a list of key words. I would like the ability to update these keywords regularly in one spot. For example…I have 25 sites with the script. The script calls up one site to pull the keywords from. I only want to have to update that one list rather than having to update 25 sites individually.
I would also like to have this script automatically add the IP address of the person than submitted the spam links added to the blocked IP list (IP Deny Manager in Cpanel) if it is possible.
If the programmer has any other ideas on how to make this spam tool even better I am willing to listed to suggestions.