Dynamic Mysql Web Application
1st: project to be delivred within 5 days, if you can’t respect the delay please don’t bid.
take a look at http://www.antoinehalabi.com/proprietes_vedettes.php
For now i do it manually with Dreamweaver, i need it Dynamic
I need a dynamic and esay application to upload pictures to a page of my website (resize and frame the picture)and choose from a list some field that will be added near the picture simply by filling them, empty fields wont show on the front end.
when a proprety is sold, i will check the case in the Admin panel and a ‘sold’ tag will show on the picture also checked fields will hide from the front end. picture must be linked to a Diaporama that you have to add.
I need a independant admin panel and controle panel: see attached.
It has to work for 2 languages simultanly, because Website is gonna become bilingual soon. Fench English, you don’t have to know french.
I should be able to program the position of each property and add separator with or without text easely..
I alreday have the ‘Vendu’ tag = Sold but in english you have to do it with photoshop etc..
Check the attached files and images you will get better comprehension