Two Easy Scraper Projects

Two Easy Scraper Projects
No bids over $30. PHP only.

I’ve got two very easy scraper projects. We will be pulling in data from two membership websites. There are 12 fields that we will be pulling in. Each and every page looks exactly identical. The layout is the same.

The URLs that will be scraped are all in sequential order. (Each member is assigned a sequential number. Helps make this project easy.)
Such as:

So your list of URLs will be simply like this:
Such as:
Such as:
Such as:
Such as:

…and so on.

This way your script can just increment that url number and go to the next member’s page, until it gets its first error.

We want the output data to be able to go easily into an Excel file. We want to be able to download this to our hard drive (without having to go into FTP to download the output file).

We’d like a delay pause that we can change, in case we fill the script is running too fast and we don’t want any problems with that.

There is one graphic element, a picture of the member. We want that, as well. Not sure how you want to give us the picture. Maybe as a folder or zip file that contains all of the separate .gif or .jpg files. The name of each jpg file can be the User ID of each individual member.

We want several comment fields in your PHP script in case we have to revise it later (every now and then a webmaster will change the template, and we want to be able to adapt to that).

I’ve got a file attached to this project that shows you the layout of all of the membership pages that you will be scraping.

We want three things from each of the two projects. One will be a completed output file. Something we can import into Excel.

The other will be your PHP script that we can run on our own a few times a year to see if there are new members added. (We want to be able to have an input field into your script so that we can type in the starting number, so that it doesn’t go and scrape the data that we already have.)

We have two membership websites that I want to do this for. Does this mean we need a separate script for each website? Both websites have sequential numbers assigned to the member. Both websites have sequential URLs, making it easier to scrape the data. Both have member pages that are structured the same way on all pages for that website.

Thank you.

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