Changes To Php Script And Form
I want the following changes made to this form and the associated script processing.
– In the Delivery Date: drop down, make the 12th go away (or not be selectable) as of 12:00 noon EST on 12/11/2010 and make the 13th go away as of 12:00 noon EST on 12/12/2010
– Make these fields not required (they currently are):
“Any Special Instructions:” “Your E-mail” “On-site Contact” “On-site Phone” “Message for card” “Delivery Location”
– Remove these fields from the form and from script processing (i.e. required fields, data sent in emails and to db, java script…):
in the top part of the form drop “Your Address” and “City”
– Under these two fields, “On Site Contact:” “On Site Phone:” add this: “same as above [ ]” it is a check box option, if checked it pulls the data entered above into these fields
– In the “Delivery Time Frame:” field, make the 8:00 am to noon option not appear if they select the 13th or 14th for Delivery Date:, drop the 2 hour option and make the 1 hour option $15.
– Make the “Time Frame, Between:” drop downs show all the time not just for the 1 hour option in “Delivery Time Frame:” (like it does now)
– Above the “Message for card” text box add this drop down list of standard messages.
• Happy Valentine’s Day – I love you [default]
• You are the light of my life
• Let me call you sweetheart
• Heart of my heart, I love you
• Add your own message
Make these appear only if they select the $100 order. Make the text box appear only if they select “add your own message”.
– Add “COD” payment radio button, It will work like the “check” radio button, but if selected show this text (in place of the check info text), “COD orders must be paid in cash or by check on delivery of the Singing Valentine.”.
Also add a printer friendly link and page in the admin area, see attached file.