Phpprolance Script Updates

Phpprolance Script Updates
I need someone to update a few functions on this script. I would like someone that has worked with these types of scripts before if possible.

1. Add a contact us form

2. Need the portfolio area updated as you can see here the bottom part where the portfolio images belong is not good so I need something better. Something that pops up to show the image hosted, maybe a rollover effect or something but it has to be better than what is there.

3. Add the ability to add additional fields to the provider and buyer profiles this functionality is currently there but it is just for the listing page and registration page.

4. Add the ability for buyers to pay bonuses to providers this option should be set from the admin area based on the package set up.

5. Upon registration of buyers and providers I would like the user name and email address to be checked for availability.

You can see the admin area for yourself here:

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