Horizontal Dropdown – Magento

Horizontal Dropdown – Magento
I am currently trying to develop a magento store that allows registered customers to post simple products (with no clearing of payment, no sale of goods booked, just like classified ads). The codes will be based on ebizmart’s Customer Profile and Customer Partner, I have my first trouble (actually I don’t want to dig deep into magento’s messy system after evaluating it for a month in terms of development) in coding during retrieval of categories, sub-categories and all sub-sub…categories (at most 5 levels from top) so that registered customers can select where to post the product details (based on ebizmart’s Customer Partner). I need that particular segment of codes (using horizontal dropdown boxes, select a category at the first box and then the next box will display sub-categories of selected category…for 5 levels from top, i.e. a total of six boxes displayed at most) to be included in app/design/frontend/default/default/template/customer/products.phtml.

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