Fix Bug In 3 Php Scripts

Fix Bug In 3 Php Scripts
I need a quick fix for my php scripts. I believe they changed something on the server. Since then for a couple of my scripts I have an issue adding some special charaters to the form fields in the admin. For example is I try to use a quotation mark or a apostrophie in a text box or text field it causes an error.

I have 3 scripts that need to be fixed.

A photo gallery: When I upload an image names with a special character it causes an erro in which I have to manually delete the photo from the database. (this issue is a seperate problem that wasn’t cause because of the server.

A news script: This script isn’t allowing us to use some special charaters such as apostrophies and quotation marks.

An article Script: This script isn’t allowing us to use some special charaters such as apostrophies and quotation marks.

So I need a fix for all three of these. Please be honest about your completion dates. I want to work with someone who uses msn messenber so we communicated better. We only want expert php programmers.

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