Rhyming Dictionary Script

Rhyming Dictionary Script
Hi, I am looking for a script that is similar to one somebody has actually done in the past on scriptlance. It is a Rhyming dictionary script that works like www.rhymezone.com. I want to be able to incorporate the script into my site design as a function for my customers as my site is aimed at card makers. I will need complete instructions on how to install it as I am definitely a newbie and would like the form itself to appear in a zen cart category page. The service will be free for my visitors and not require a login. Ideally I would like the results to come from Rhymezone.com and I will then credit them on the page, so that I don’t need to update it myself. I don’t know if this will be possible or not, but I already have the html for the form which was provided from the Rhymezone website. As it works now the search function opens a new window taking people to their site whereas I would like the results to show up on my site.

To be honest I don’t know if I need a PHP, Javascript or some other type, as I don’t know anything about doing this kind of thing. My server has cpanel 11 which has php, mysql, perl module and a cgi center if this helps.

Please bid.

Thank you for your time :o)

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