WordPress Slideshow Plugin

WordPress Slideshow Plugin
I am looking for a simple slideshow plugin that works with the WordPress plugin PhotoQ. I can set up a developer site with all existing plugins for developing this new plugin. I use this plugin in pixelpost: http://www.pixelpost.org/extend/addons/slideshow-addon/
on this site: http://ecoseephotography.com/index.php?category=30&auto=1&showimage=329 and it makes the slideshow work as I like it.

The new plugin would create a slideshow in wordpress. The owner can add the time delay. It should be able to show photos within a category and loop back to the first available image when it gets to the end. It should only show images within that category when showing the slideshow. You can see that I have that ability with the next/previous keys. http://ecoseephotography.com/awsom/?p=1186

This is a rather simple small budget project.

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