Android: Gps Trip Logger

Android: Gps Trip Logger

I need a GPS trip logger application for use when driving. The purpose of the app is to calculate tax refunds according to Norwegian law regarding the use of your own

car when working. The tax refund is calculated by the following factors (must be logged every trip – the user can enter default values, or specify values on a trip-

by-trip basis)
– Length of trip (km)
– Passenger on board? (yes/no)
– Number of toll stations passed (Several stations passed within 60 minutes counts as one)

The app should have the following functionality:

When opening the app it should discover nearby addresses (perhaps using google maps?) and suggest a starting address. If the correct address is not listed the user can

choose “enter address..” and enter an address of choice.

When the user chooses an address it starts recording the start date, time and coordinates. While logging the trip it should show the position in google maps as well as

having a button “stop recording”.

When the user chooses to stop recording the app should retrieve a list of nearby addresses (same as before starting the trip) where the user can choose the right stop

address, and enter one manually if the correct address isn’t listed. When the recording stops it should write the whole trip, total distance from start to stop, dates to a file on the SD card.

and times for the start and stop, number of toll stations passed.

When the user clicks the “menu” button he should be given the following menuchoices:

– Settings
– Sync data to web
– Statistics
– Help

The user can enter the following variables:
– Username and password to use the sync service (see “sync data to web”)

Default values that will be used for every trip unless the user enters specific values for a single trip:
– Manual/automatic registration of toll stations passed
If the user chooses “automatic” the app needs to record the number of toll stations passed during each trip. The coordinates of the toll stations will be given by me)
– Passenger onboard? (yes/no)

Sync data to web:
The app should first authenticate the user with the entered username and password with a username and password in a MySQL database hosted on our servers. If the

authentication is OK -> insert all trip data into the DB and prompt the user if trip data should be cleaned from phone.

The trip data should be a format so that it is compatible with google maps.

Shows total distance since last sync, number of toll stations passed, distance traveled today, last 7 days etc.

Shows a short help file that I provide.

It needs to have a nice looking UI, and the code should be well documented. I am planning to port this to iPhone and Symbian later. The app will eventually be translated to Norwegian. I can provide the norwegian translation but I need you to implement it.

If I am satisfied with your work on this project, I will consider choosing you to port the app to iPhone and Symbian later.

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