Create Site Backend Admin

I am looking for experienced persons or company in developing MYSQL Databases and admin sections for sites.

My site will be a whitelabel site and I require an admin section for:-

Whitelabel Network MAIN SITE
Freelancers where they can administer there account
Affiliates where they can edit their account
Webmasters where they can edit their account.

Basically the requirement is creating forms and interacting with MYSQL database.

Ideally programmed using OOP method but I am open to suggestions.

I would also like the Freelancers/ Webmasters/ Affiliates to also be able to use their login details to login to a forum (yet to be decided) which will be located at

I will provide more details to people that I feel are genuinely interested in the project.

I also create websites and am busy creating work for clients which is why i am outsourcing this which is my own project.

Please bid realistically!

Please ONLY provide examples of admin backend exampels ONLY any other kind of examples will be deleted.

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