Updates To Existing Website

Updates To Existing Website
These updates are strictly for the programmer maborak. Please, no one else submit a bid. They will be deleted either way.

Private Image/NSFW checkbox before uploading images. Also user (that uploaded the image) and administrator can change this in File Manager and View page. Something like this:
http://any-image.com/images/11889432193526448331.jpg Has an option to select all as NSFW or Public. Default is public

User management for administrators. Add, delete, change groups, number of images each user has uploaded, how many total views a user’s images have, total bandwidth, & total image size, ect.

Get Edit & Delete buttons to work in the File Manager.

Forgot password link for login page.

Page for top ten images of the day (based on view count). Resets at midnight.

Change page title on view page to the name of the image for better SEO.

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