Joomla Extension Modification

Joomla Extension Modification
I have a Joomla extension tooltip customizer which seems to have some problems on some sites.


Should be a minor modification (fix) for anyone knowing Joomla well.

You will receive the extension, find and solve problem and submit back to me.

As a bonus I give you permission to use the extension on any site you own, or are the webmaster of. You agree to this by bidding on this project.

You can see the extension in action here:

Joomla Help

Joomla Help

I am a mid-level web developer who knows his fair share of HTML / CSS , etc.. Unfortunately I am in a project involving Joomla and am having trouble analyzing the PHP and the way it is structured. I need someone for an hour or two to be online with me to help explain / teach a few properties of Joomla. Here are some of the topics i need help with:

– Module Placement & Modifications (with respects to the template being used)
– Homepage News Article Display
– A few other small Joomla-based questions.

I am willing to pay for the few hours of help. Let me know how much and if you can be available tonight.


– Luciano

Joomla Classified Component 2

Joomla Classified Component 2

I use now in a website the Almond Classified Component.
I need something like that, but with more functions.
Here is the list with the functions I need:

free and paid ads.
Possible to change the language
PayPal payments

If you have a component build like that, I am interested in it.

I am NOT interested in EXPENSIVE web-design. I have a budget. Please read it carefully. I am in a hurry to get this done soon.

P.S. I know that there are component out there that are a copy. I do NOT need that. I need something that you can create yourself. Must be a JOOMLA component.

Or, if you have something that I can easily fit in, then I am interested to.

Let me know asap. And give a example url. Not to much talk, tell what you are offering.

Thank you.

Banner Ad Adverts On Joomla

Banner Ad Adverts On Joomla
I have a Joomla website and would like to create a page where different types of banner ads are descibed with their costs and how to pay.

There will be a banner or link on the homepage saying: Advertise with Us! That link takes you to a page of the different siazes of space available for customers to advertise their products in the website.

I need a good Joomla developer who has a lot of graphic design skills, using photoshop or other packages.

Offerpal Media Integration

Offerpal Media Integration
I need someone to write a simple script and XML plugin for AlphaUserPoints that will reward my Joomla/Community Builder users with points for completing Offerpal Media offers.

I have everything setup with Offerpal and the page displaying the offers with the joomla username included in the iframe. I need someone to configure the callback URL on my website to work correctly with Offerpal and to automatically give the users points based on the AlphaUserPoints system from AlphaPlug. This includes making the XML “rule” for AUP.


Update: I was looking to run this through Joomla, but it may not be necessary. In fact, the easiest method would probably be just to connect to the database and update the information for the correct user.

Please see text file for a rough draft of the code needed. The comments have been added by me for explanation.

I do have a XML plugin for alphauserpoints, but the problem is that with their provided API code, the user must be logged in for points to be credited. Obviously, offerpal will not be logged in as the user when the callback data is sent to my server.

PMB me for more details. This should be a simple project.

Very Simple Joomla Component

Very Simple Joomla Component

I need a very simple Joomla Component created. Basically I am making a website where I will be posting video tutorials for my friends and whoever wants to learn Flash.

The concept is a lot similar to:

So basically we’ll just have a page which gives lists out the available tutorials. This will be using 3 database fields (name, short_description,thumbnail).

There will be one more field which will be the long_description which will be displayed on the page that displays details.

I think its really easy for anyone who has ever worked with databases and PHP and with a little experience of Joomla.

In the CMS I should be able to add more tutorials or delete tutorials.

The component should be easy to install.

Please make smaller bids. Thanks.

Custom Joomla Website

Custom Joomla Website
I am looking for quotes for a custom website to be built base on the Joomla content management system. The site specification is as follows:

– Joomla to be installed & configured
– existing joomla theme to be used and developed to required colours / layout.
– Required Joomla components: jreviews, jom social, kunena forum
– some sort of FAQ system required (admin editable?)
– Facebook & twitter integration (accounts/pages/groups to be created).
– forum topics to be posted to twitter & Facebook automatically
– require some sort of help desk / support system
– installed components / modules should blend with site theme.
– approx 150 module menus to be created
– approx 500 pages of content to be added (60% will require sourcing by you)
– all content to include at least one image within page text
– integration of a 3rd party vacation database. search module will be required and the results must be displayed within the joomla site.
– local weather & currency to be displayed on approx 100 content pages for different locations
– seo of all pages
– submission to search engines

Please advise on approximate time this site would take. Thanks.

Clone Simple Joomla Site

Clone Simple Joomla Site
We are looking for an experienced developer to do a simple clone for us. this site was originally created in Joomla, but the original developer did not do a very efficient job and many things are not functioning properly.

In the attached txt file, you will find the site URL and admin information to review the admin section.

The site should be rebuilt using Joomla, Drupal, or possibly WordPress, whatever will be most effecient and flexible.

Please provide your recommendation for the platform we should use.

Looking to do this asap, ask questions via PMB.

Joomla Template Broken Css

Joomla Template Broken Css
I built a site for a client using Joomlart’s Nerine template for Joomla 1.5. I have previously used the template for Joomla 1.0.15 with no browser compatibility issues, but the current site has three layout issues that need to be fixed ASAP. These are all presumably CSS issues.

I’m not a CSS expert and don’t have the time to try to diagnose, so I need your help. Joomlart’s forum’s have not produced a response to my request, and I need to get this done ASAP.

There are three main issues:

1) Large amount of white space at the top of the screen to scroll through before the site shows up.
– MSIE (don’t know what version)

2) Menu bar using CSS Menu is broken. The bottom image (header-bot.jpg) is misaligned, and seems to be forcing some background images onto a new line. It also seems to be forcing the page width extra wide (noticeable only because the scroll bar on the browser shows an extra wide page that is not really there).
– MSIE 8 (Win XP)
– Firefox (Win XP)

3) Gray module bar at the bottom of the page does not stretch all the way across the modules, leaving several of them with white text on a white background.
– MSIE 8 (Win XP)
– Firefox (Win XP)

Additional notes:

I can seem to reproduce the error on Mac browsers or my Bootcamp version of Win XP and Firefox or MSIE 8. However, screenshots from shows the errors (see attached).

Joomla & Facile Forms 1.4.7

Joomla & Facile Forms 1.4.7
I have a Joomla & Facile Forms 1.4.7 website…
I want somebody with alot of experiance using joomla and facile forms…

the form on the site has a few problems I need fixed…

1. it seems to have stopped e-mail the form data….
2. IE is OK BUT if you use chrome or Foxfire the click-able area of the forms is off alignment…
3. after hitting submit it pulls up the thankyou page BUT it goes away very fast and goes back to the form…. it should stay on the thank you page….