Virtuemart Sms Update

i want to build a component for joomla-virtuemart that sends a sms to the client when he completes an order.
The component must be a joomla component that is installed by the classic installer and not embeded to virtuemart.
I have a ready made script that you can see on attached file.
The administrator must have the ability to see what messages have been sent, on which customer, what date and time and the message.
Must also add his own introduction message (company name for example), add the message that he wants, see how many sms are left on his account.
Also to send an sms to a number that he wants although he didn’t make an order.

It’s an easy project because i’m giving you the script, but i want a programmer that has worked on joomla-virtuemart.

Joomla/php Expert For Website

I am in the midst of creating a website directory on Joomla with an existing template that I purchased. I cannot find some of the options that should have been included in the template. I also need a php script to make all the submitted listings appear in RANDOM order. I also need a sort by button that will sort the listings by name / rating. I basically need a php coder that is an expert with joomla to help me with on going support of the website. Everytime I have a problem I need help taking care of, I will turn to this individual to help me fix this website. I want to get familiar with this expert so that he can constantly help me with updates. I will need a lot of help so let me know if u can help me out and become the coder of my website. YOU MUST KNOW ENGLISH BECAUSE I NEED TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU PROPERLY

Need Web Designer – W3c Only


Only respond if you are a high quality/high caliber Web/Graphic Designer with Extremely good HTML abilities!

Project Requirements: Do not respond unless you meet my requirements!
Only respond if you code HTML’s to W3C Compliance Standards. When responding, submit 5 of your very best Web/Graphic Designs and i will get back to you. Automated posts or anyone responding without examples will not be considered.


1) Highest Quality Graphic/Web Designer
2) W3C Compliant Designer
3) Knowledgable and Proficient in HTML/CSS
4) Individuals only – No Companies!! No Exceptions!

I am needing a mock up / sample composition of a web site created. Once we finalize design, will have you create HTML’s for me.
Will discuss further details of project in PM.

Do not respond unless above requirements are met and you are providing me with at least 5 of your very best Web Designs in your reply. Thank you! Happy Bidding!

Web Designer Need – W3c Only


Only respond if you are a high quality/high caliber Web/Graphic Designer with Extremely good HTML abilities!

Project Requirements: Do not respond unless you meet my requirements!
Only respond if you code HTML’s to W3C Compliance Standards. When responding, submit 5 of your very best Web/Graphic Designs and i will get back to you. Automated posts or anyone responding without examples will not be considered.


1) Highest Quality Graphic/Web Designer
2) W3C Compliant Designer
3) Knowledgable and Proficient in HTML/CSS
4) Individuals only – No Companies!! No Exceptions!

I am needing a mock up / sample composition of a web site created. Once we finalize design, will have you create HTML’s for me.
Will discuss further details of project in PM.

Do not respond unless above requirements are met and you are providing me with at least 5 of your very best Web Designs in your reply. Thank you! Happy Bidding!

Joomla And Virtuemart Upgrade

I have a website that is a fully functioning in Joomla and Virtuemart.

The site has a customized template for Joomla 1.0.x.

I need the site upgraded from Joomla 1.0.15 to 1.5.14 (or latest stable version), also Virtuemart is now at 1.0.14 and will need to go to 1.1.4 (or latest stable version).

You will be responsible for backing up the entire site (database and all code, etc) make the update, and make sure the site is still functioning properly — including making sure the existing template is still working.

This needs to be done within the next 2-3 days

Thank you.

Customized Joomla Template

We are looking for a customized Template for Joomla 1.5.15
The proposed template should look similiar with “rhuk_milkyway”, but is better designed and has more functions.
The template should be suitable for human rights campaigning web site (non-commercial), can be in light gold, light gray or NOT too bright colors.
Features needed:
– Fast loading.
– Width: 1024 pixels or similiar.
– 3 columns: Left and Right columns for advertising and article listings. Center column for Frontpage articles. Columns should be divided by a think line.
– Body text in the center column should have a margin of 10 px on left and right margin.
– Body text should be about 10 pt, Arial with space between paragraph at about 135% of line height.
– A User #10 Module added at bottom of the center body column — above the Footer section but still within the center column.
– With Font Size Selector.
– Top Menu Module position available.
– Unicode fonts capability.
– Video and Audio module ready.
– PPS/PPT slide show ready

Programmer would be willing to make minor adjustments, additions to suite our needs.
If you would like to take this project, please introduce template(s)you prefer by providing links to sites which are using the template that looks almost as desired by us.
Thank you.

Updates Joomla Website Urg.

We have to updates our website, the DeadLine is thursday night for the english version, and the friday for the spanish version (we have the text) only the text have to change comparing to the english, so we need a real pro joomla team for finish all at time.

The most of jobs is format of contents, other is css and php on the Home Page and one modification on the left menu.

We will give all template design and images needed, the text are already on the page, is really importantly than the pages looks exactly like the template wanted, 100% not 99% !!

We will manage all the job, and a contact by skype is needed ( with Voice ) en english, we are really experience in building website, so we know what we want.

The quality of this job is the priority and the deadline too, we will pay at the final with escrow payment system, and our evaluation is 10 stars for the job finish at time with quality and 0 star and we paid 50% of the price is not finish at time or without quality…

Bid only if you are 10 stars, we have 10 stars too.

Posibility of more jobs in the future.

More down you have a list of the updates, every page have this own template already designed and images included.

The 5 may morning ( spain hour ) we need the team working directly.


Website :

In attachment you have some template of the format of the content.

! important we are using joomfish, and the table on the content need the text in html and the background with image, nnot using only images

some Updates :


1. Put the logo position like module
2. Fix bug on roll-over for all the oranges buttons on: Client Access, the one after Subscribe and the plus sign after Read More
3. Design the topbar like on the template
4. On the bottom menu, on roll-over the section names should turn blue.
5. Add roll-over image on the plus button after More info on the big image.
6. Allow a bit more of space between the word subscribe and the orange button (top bar)

Inside pages- General
1. Please allow 35 for the left margin around all the pictures. For the bottom margin allow 20.
2. On the body text, please before any subheading, allow double spacing and after, one space.
3. Please allow a minimum space of 85 px between the lowest bit on the content page and the light blue area with the bottom nav.
4. All the images should be 310px wide. The high can vary, always trying that this high matches the last line of text next to it (when possible)

Products page:

General: Following the menu design from the menu.
Adding a small division for the last 2 section “Subscribe and Unsubscribe”

KonnektLite- second level
1. Please change for new design

KonnektVoice- second level
1. Please change for new design

KonnektMobile- second level
1. Please change for new design

KonnektNet- second level
1. Please change for new design

KonnektSwith- second level
1. Please change for new design

KonnektCorp- second level
1. Please change for new design

KonnektLite- first level
1. Please change for new design

KonnektCon- second level
1. Please change for new design

Rates page
Price comparison:
1. Please change for new design

LandLine calling
1. Please change for new design

VoIP calling
1. Please change for new design

Xlite calling
1. Please change for new design

The Company
About us page:
1. Please change for new design

Who are we
1. Please change for new design

Our clients
1. Please change for new design

Job vacancies
1. Please put link in blue (ie. emial to send CV)

Legal notice
Please remove this page from the left menu

Contact page
1. Please change for new design

Small changes on 6 more pages, corresponding to various sections.

Total pages than need modifications: 30 aprox

Flash Website Design

We need the following template customised:

You will be required to turn the template into a 5-8 page webiste.

You will need to make a HTML enquiry form for the home page. The form will be a 3 part form with 5 questions in total. The data will then be sent to our email address.

We already have a logo you will just need to add it to the website.


Please send me a portfolio with your bid.



Please type “BUILDERS” on any bid or Private Message Board post to show me you have read this.

Template Compatible Ie Fix

We bought a template and it is not compatiuble with Internet explorer. I emailed the template owner and this is what has to be done. Your bid is to fix the template.

Thank you for reaching the Technical Department of!

You need to delete custom html modules, turn off tiny mce editor, install the custom modules according the readme file and turn on tiny mce editor. This should fix your issue. Please check the following tutorial regarding installation of custom modules

Will select winner in ½ hour. I want this done ASAP so be available

Thank you!

Optimizing Joomla Site

We are looking for solution to resolve our Joomla web with heavy resource usage issue.
The site is currently down due to the over limitation of resource using. In order to have the limitations removed, we should optimize your script so that it consumes less server resources.
The message from hosting company below and see if you could handle it.

The main reason for this abuse case is the heavy resource usage, which comes from the number of your visitors. Your daily account executions have exceed the industry standard for shared hosting and it is not suitable anymore for shared server because of the load generated by your account.

Fixes On Joomla Portal

i am running a Joomla based portal and community. I have integretated some modules like jtogether and jomsocial and some others as well.
All of a sudden i get an error message like, although everything worked before and nothing has been changed since than:
– Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed
– in /home/mydomain/public_html/administrator/components/com_jtogether/models/member.model.php on line 334

I need an experienced joomla developer who can fix this quick and clean. After this project i have other joomla projects that needs to be done.

Regards, Chris

Joomla Anti-hacker Expert

I need a well reviewed (no reviews don’t bid) Joomla anti-hacking and website security expert. One of my clients websites (go there to see currently what the p#ssy hackers did to it) to a 65 year old lady who’s fighting breast cancer’s website. Imagine your grandma being kicked on the ground by strangers that is what has happened to this little old ladies website basically.

Seriously if I could find these gutless losers I would rip there testicles off with a pliers, that’s only for starters! 😀

What the site should look like exactly is at this is the mirror site I had set up on my hosting acct on a different domain name when we launched her website on Dec. 1st, 2009

****Note: ONLY U.S, Canada, UK, Europe, Russia, Australia, China, and Japan freelancers will be chosen. If you’re from India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan or any other Indian countries please DON’T Bid I won’t look at your bids period.

I’m also bidding this project on multiple freelance sites and will get literally several dozen bids, so the more insight you can tell me about my exact problems on your bid will help you greatly to be chosen.

Hosting is thru and we can get the site back up, but only from the date they hacked the site 4/22 and after we get it up even after creating two NEW 13 character passwords for both Joomla and Bluehost the jerk off hackers still bring the site down in 4-12 hours every time. So I’ve kept the site down on purpose so whoever I hire can see and all the code is on

With Bluehost techs we’ve narrowed it down to its 99% sure Joomla issue and how hackers are getting in. They ARE not getting in thru the cpanel or FTP thank God we’ve tested that. The new 13 character passwords also have numbers, symbols, upper and lower case letters so can’t make those any harder on Joomla and hosting acct.

This is URGENT project and needs to get done in next 24-48 hours!

Three part project…

1. Since I’m going to be redesigning this client’s website border design and then doing 11-12 extensive programming hacks/plug-ins with features I need with a project I’m about to bid out to a programmer. I can’t do this until I know 100% for sure that anything we do on the site will be backed up automatically that day and hackers can’t get in. Right now like I said everything I did to the site after 4/22 is lost at least that’s what Bluehost stated.

I’m running a Joomla platform from I think Nov/2009 from last year and I need all the current security updates and upgrades Joomla recommends done to the site. Along with anything you can think of to make this client’s site damn near impossible to hack again.

Here’s the small issue I have hacked the hell out of the Joomla platform with programmers and since I’m not a programmer I don’t know if there just hacks/plug-in or actual code changes. I was told that can be tricky when updating Joomla stuff if it’s actual coding changes. All the hacks/plugins/features I wanted and had done are all SEO/Marketing related, nothing major done.

By looking at the code at I’m hoping you will know what the problems are. I can’t lose any of the hundreds of hours of time I have put into these custom upgrades.

This Joomla platform is a template, meaning EVERYTHING on this site is going to be used on EVERY website I build for myself and clients on the backside not the design stuff. So please be aware this is not a one off type situation. So I will need whatever you do to this site, mobile/transferable to the two other websites I’m currently about to build as well after we get this taken care of. Make sense?

2. Once we know 100% the security is air tight on and there is no way we can transfer that virus/bug or whatever the hell it is I need website/code/Joomla copied to The current version on that site is about 2 months old.

3. has a great system where once you install there software on my hosting account it will automatically every 24 hours back up all the files/folders on my clients website to their 3rd party servers. I don’t trust my hosting company nor should I, Bluehost techs told me as much.

So it’s only $7.45 per month to have this system. So I will need you to set this up after the first two things are done. If you know of a better or cheaper method that is 100% automatically run I’m all ears and let me know. But none of my clients nor I deal with that stuff, so I need a reliable automated website backup system.

Since this is not a design project or have exact end dates payment is tricky. Since you could say you fixed the security, but a day after I pay you site could go down again and there is no way I can really verify what freelancers are good and those that are not. Besides reviews.

So payment will be $50 when project is done, and other $25 in 14 days once we know the site is not vulnerable to attacks and doesn’t go down that entire time. I will escrow that $25 as well before project is done. I think that fair and protects my client.

I’m also looking for a LONG TERM Joomla security expert, to make sure every website I create doesn’t fall into this nightmare hacker crap again.

You MUST have Skype and be able to TALK (not just chat) on the phone. Need your email address as well. I’m going to want to talk by phone thru this entire process.

You will help your cause GREATLY if you tell me why this probably happened and where the hackers are getting in at. At least then I know you’re serious about this project, a long term relationship and know somewhat what you’re talking about.


P.S. Bid is going live about 2:30am CST and I will be up till 5am so feel free to email me.