Joomla Apache Logs Problem

Joomla Apache Logs Problem
Joomla apache logs is full, which causes the server to go down.

Something about the system size being 225 gigs and 225 of that was used which causes the server to go down.

PHP problem.

stacking all the logs in the server.

Need to fix so site does not go down.

Please reply with how you can fix it and how long it will take and cost.

Joomla Cb Module Missing Id

Joomla Cb Module Missing Id
I need someone familiar with Joomla and CB to investigate why the item ID is not displayed on links to profile, when overing over profile links on module.

See product demo here

the url should be like this…rProfile&user=83&Itemid=127

but instead.. it looks just like this…rProfile&user=83

Should be very simple for someone experienced in Joomla programming.

I need programmers to read through project description before bidding. If you are selected to be the winner, you will need to download the s4j New User Module from develop a fix and provide details as well as new zip package to me.

Joomla Front/back End Designs

Joomla Front/back End Designs
Hello Everyone,

I am looking for someone who can design for me about 3 Joomla template designs for the front end, and 1 design for the back end (very simple, user logo on top left with room for a flash header, and about 8 buttons. the first graphic of the header should be included and the flash header should be big.

The design MUST have a black background and use shades of black and dark gray as the main colors, all the other accentual colors should be light shades of Orange or blue or green or red maybe..

I am looking for good / sleek / modern design Ideas. This website design will be for a consultant/coaching individual.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. thanks.

NOTE: please no Artisteer generated designs.

Multi-vendor Shop.card Joomla

Multi-vendor Shop.card Joomla
I need a multivendor Shopping Card for my Joomla website.

Main Features:
– Multiple sellers, all selling through one store front
– Seller profiles, custom created web pages and their own mini-website
– Customers can purchase from multiple vendors in the one order
– Vendors can receive the funds for their sales through paypal
– Vendors manage everything through an easy-to-use, web based interface with no additional software
– Vendors have complete control/management of their own products
– Vendors can be restricted to only creating items in certain categories within the store
– Vendors can receive email notification of new ordersVendors can completely manage their own orders/shipments
– Vendors can specify their own shipping methods/zones or choose to use the store default
– Owing balances as well as payments to vendors can be calculated and logged
– Possible for vendors or store owners to view order and product statistics on a vendor level (reporting)
– Vendor and Buyer reports
– Charge vendor a fixed percentage or monthly fee

This work is only for Joomla experts. Please don´t post very high bids.

Thanks for your time.

Upgrade Joomla Site+mod

Upgrade Joomla Site+mod
I currently have a joomla site,, running Joomla 1.0.12 Stable. I would like you to upgrade the site (while keeping it live and functional) to the most current version so that we can be more secure. We have some mods already installed that likely need to be upgraded as well. I am more of an HTML and CSS designer, not a programmer, so I do not trust myself to fix the site if it breaks (if I attempted to do this work myself).

It is not a very big site (less than 50 pages is my guess), and there are less than 20 registered users/admins/editors.

I also need you to install a module that will allow our registered users to comment on certain selected pages within one section of the site ( Once you install the module (maybe Jom Comment?), I will need you to walk me through:
– how to turn on comments on a given page in this “community-news” section
– how to get comments routed to an admin or editor (via email) for approval
– how to turn off comment approval for registered users if we want to do that

I also would like to know how to have publishers notified via email to approve changes when an editor or author has submitted changes or added a page.

This work may not happen immediately, but likely within the next two weeks. I need to give my client (a non-profit private school) a quote first before they will approve the work to be done.

Website Additions

Website Additions
I need additions and updates to my existing website.
1) I need to add a better specials display
2) I need to add some tracking information in the code
3) I need to modify my invoices in virtuemart
4) I want to have a better way to view my product images
5) I need a Joomla and Virtuemart expert

I will want a long term relationship with a reliable programmer that can also work on future sites and future updates.

Convert Template To Joomla

Convert Template To Joomla
1. Covert an HTML template to Joomla and make it function properly with joomla CMS (6 pages)
2. Create a CSS drop down menu on new template under “Services” (See attached image)
3. Move existing site content to newly created Joomla Template. This includes existing meta tags, page descriptions, and titles. (5 pages)

I do NOT need joomla installed and can handle this on my own.

I see this to be 4-6 hours of work since there is nothing too difficult to switch over, most everything is static already. You may use any joomla extension necessary to meet my project criteria.

Link User In Joomla Project

Link User In Joomla Project
I am working on a website that is using jproject joomla component, which is a very basic component that allows project managers to list a project and displays a progress bar. This component works nicely except i would like to tweak it to be able to link the listed project to a specific user. Wherein the registered use would only be able to see the status of his/her projects. Currently the component does everything except link to a specific user. I would like the when we add a new project for a drop-downmenu to appear that shows all our registered users and be able to select one from there.

Joomla File Conversion Website

Joomla File Conversion Website
I’m in need of someone to make a joomla file conversion site. I’m willing to pay $150-250 for the site. It must be done in less then 3 weeks It’s mostly just programming and you will need to chop up the psds. You can use plugins and what not as much as you want.

This project is for the development of a new File Conversion site that will allow users to convert different media files through the web based conversion service, similar to Zam(remove_this)
A graphic designer will be handling the majority of the cosmetic design for the homepage / inner pages, so all bidders should submit bids for the Programming / Coding work ONLY for the development of this website. While the majority of the design work will be handled by a graphic designer, the winning bidder will be responsible for some light design work. Note the designs will be done in 7-10 days. So you’ll have to do work outside of that until then.
Key Features that need to be implemented:
1. File Conversion Types – The website will need to be able to convert all the files types from http://www.zam(remove_this) … EXCEPT FOR CAD FILES. The web based conversion process should work just as it does on that site, allowing users to convert files for free by uploading files and downloading videos by inserting the URL.

2. Premium Members Section – The website will need a Premium Members Section (similar to Zam(remove_this)zar) that allows users to create paid accounts that offer additional conversion services including faster conversions, online storage for managing conversions, etc. Users also need to have the ability to make changes to their account information, change their password / email, etc.

3. Automatic Email Notifications – We need automatic email notifications to be sent out every time a customer signs up for the first time, makes certain changes to their account, monthly subscription payment is due, etc. In addition, when someone fills out the Contact Us form or a new user signs up, we need an automatic email notification sent to our administrator email account.

4. Merchant Account Integration – When users sign up for a premium subscription plan, the web developer must be able to integrate our Merchant Account to process the payments (we will be using PayPal).

5. Backend Administration – As site administrators, we need the developer to create a simple to use back end that allows us to manage customer accounts including:
– View Customers’ accounts / account activity / payment activity
– Suspend / Delete / Create Customer Accounts
– View Conversion History / Remove illegal files
– Conversion Statistics reporting the total # of conversions

6. Progress Bar – When users are uploading files on either the Free or Premium sections of the site, we want a progress bar implemented that shows the progress of the conversion.

The website will consist of the following pages:
Sign Up
Contact Us
About Us
Account Login / Admin for Customers
As mentioned before, the majority of the design work for the home page and inner pages will be handled by our graphic designer and this project is primarily for the programming / development of the site.

You will be responsible for putting the site on the server and installing it and what not.

Additional information submitted:
02/17/2010 at 16:27 EST:
Additonally different members will have a storage plan.

Free Users –

Maximum File Size = 200MB

Ads and Popups

Lowest Conversion Priority

Only Convert / DL 1 file at a time

20 Second Wait to Download after file has been converted

Basic Plan –

1GB Storage Space (allow users to store/share/delete previously converted files with customer admin section once logged in)

Faster Download Speeds (Priority over Free users)
No Download Wait time (20 second wait for Free users)
Resume Broken Downloads
No PopUps, but will have Static Ads
Convert / Download up to 10 files at once

Maximum File Size = 500MB
File Conversion Progress Bar
Share converted files with friends through Social Networking / email links (Similar to Addthis)

Pro Plan –

5GB Storage Space (allow users to store/share/delete previously converted files)

Faster Download Speeds (Priority over Free and Basic users)
No Download Wait time (20 second wait for Free users)
Resume Broken Downloads
No Ads or Popups
Convert / Download up to 15 files at once

Maximum File Size = 1GB
Secure Conversion over SSL
File Conversion Progress Bar
Share converted files with friends through Social Networking / email links (Similar to Add (removethis)

Virtuemart Bixie Virtueupload

Virtuemart Bixie Virtueupload
I bought Bixie VirtueUpload Pro, but its giving a error, i asked for support but they didnt reply me yet, its about 1 week now.
i need someone who already worked with virtuemart and bixie virtualupload pro component.
i checked with firebug, its giving
“syntax error ()”
and the line is
var data = eval(“(“+ret+”)”); //Parse JSON
i tried to alert ret but is empty.

this project is for someone who really know javascript and joomla.
