Konnect Global Money Scam

Konnect Global Money Scam
After talking with nearly 100 other buyers we are forming a coalition to inform the public about this fraud company. They are based out of Nigeria and don’t offer products. They just take your money when you place orders. Since they are in Nigeria no one cna prosicute them. We are embarking on a federal case agains them to bring the scam artist to justice. They are run by Jason Thail and associates.

Joomla Virtuemart Template

Joomla Virtuemart Template
I want to build a template for joomla+virtuemart. Attached is the index page which I want to have the menu and the fonts of the magento theme of
the url http://cms.template-help.com/magento_27292/tote-bags.html

On the flypage of the priduct i want the menu to be on the left and the product description, image etc on the right.

I want to use on the search the yoosearch module and in the left
the filter mode you see in this site here http://galt.ck.ua/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=14&product_type_id=2&product_type_2_diagonal_comp=texteq&product_type_2_diagonal=46&limitstart=0

Script For Mosets Tree Joomla

Script For Mosets Tree Joomla
We have a website setup in Joomla. It has many modules including Mosets Tree, which we use to display our auction items.

Mosets tree offers a CSV bulk import (but does not bulk upload images with it). We need to able to bulk upload images as well. Our web developer says we need a custom script.

Also, in the listings view, we want to be able to search by custom field, not just the native fields that are a part of mosets.

Can you help?

Joomla Cms Module

Joomla Cms Module

I need a simple XML module for Joomla CMS.
As I need it asap, the programmer need to have some experience with Joomla extensions.

The main goal is to show a configurable (by category, by keyword, by price average, amount of products to show etc) set of products from a portal like ebay (isn’t eBay) in any module position.

I will supply the choosen programer with 2 or 3 free XML php scripts wich make the same as standalone script.

If you are interested please quote with a minimum price you can.
If you haven’t experience with this kind of work, please don’t bid.

thanks for all,


Adult Site In Joomla

Adult Site In Joomla
I need someone to design an adult website in Joomla. I would need the proper plug ins to upload video, photos (and thumbnail galleries) as well as write a review of weekly videos that are updated.

You can use a template but pretty much need about 3 columns with the multimedia plug ins. I don’t know Joomla very well so I am looking to just log in and be able to upload video and pictures, as well as text comments, very easily.

Add Processor To My Virtuema 2

Add Processor To My Virtuema 2
I am currently using Virtue Mart for my online store located at thugdepot (dotcom) I need to add Verotel Processing. I have the account setup and everything. Just dont know if their is a component or will a custom one have to be built. Looking for someone to complete this in a timely matter.

Message me if you need more information.

Joomla Site Add Mod

Joomla Site Add Mod
I currently have a joomla site, http://www.samschool.org/, running Joomla 1.0.12 Stable.

I need you to install a module that will allow our registered users to comment on certain selected pages within one section of the site (http://www.samschool.org/community-news/). Once you install the module (maybe Jom Comment? — other recommendations are welcome), I will need you to walk me through:
– how to turn on comments on a given page in this “community-news” section
– how to get comments routed to an admin or editor (via email) for approval
– how to turn off comment approval for registered users if we want to do that

A separate need I have: I also would like to know how to have publishers notified via email to approve changes when an editor or author has submitted changes or added a page.

I will need this work done by Monday or Tuesday of the coming week.

Psd -joomla Expert Needed

Psd -joomla Expert Needed
I have a PSD design and need it converted to joomla. I am not familiar with joomla it was a recommendation from the designer to convert it to joomla. Here are some advanced features that I want.

– drop down menu
– top scrolling banner (see attached jpg)
– login for members of the site
– interactive map (see attached jpg)

Again I am not familiar with joomla so I will need somebody to guide me in both the design, installation and backend of joomla. Please PMB with any questions or concerns before you bid.

Thank you

Joomla – Create Website

Joomla – Create Website
I would like a site with the front page similar to www.liveunited.org/ and for the rest of the pages of the site it will be the same as the front page except that the 2 extensions in the middle of the page will be replaced with a regular content area. i have attached a sketch of how I want the front page customized. I will supply you with that PSD. Also, the extensions in the middle of the page for the left one I found http://joomla1.5.youjoomla.info/youtravel/extras/yj-news-slider-70.html but for the one on the right I have yet to find one. It is your job to find/create one that looks like the one on the sketch, you can also see that the extensions will be able to scroll to right and loft to view different faces and quotes from them.

There will also need to be a photo gallery with sub-categories using a flckr component.

Also there will need to be a SSL donation page. I will supply the cert.

also there should be a easy way to insert pdf’s.

also a simple email sign-up field like on the front of liveunited.org

Only serious bidders please

Joomla Hmwvideo Cust Videoplay

Joomla Hmwvideo Cust Videoplay
i need a custom video player for my site i need mine redone somethings changed i attched a image of the player i want . if u look at it, what i want is the video to play in that small box then i still want them to be able to scroll thru videos in the smame screen as the video playing along with the embed code and url.

Fax Control Panel Fixex Joomla

Fax Control Panel Fixex Joomla
I need a fax site that has been made to have a control panel that is like my(remove_this)fax.com. The site it made and 70% of the control panel is made, but I need to change the look of the control panel to look like my(remove_this)fax.com and have the progess bars that site has.

The site is www.fax(remove_this)itfast.com login using admin and password 123456 after you login go to the bottom of the page and click on the control panel.

So this job will require programming and design. I’m willing to pay $100 more because I need it done in 4 days or less. So I’m willing to pay $200 ($100 more for the short time frame).

Note: Each day you get it done before Sunday you will get $30 for eacy day. Each day you take longer then Sunday you will lose $30 a day.