Website Design.

Website Design.
I would like to work with a reputable company with experience, to initially complete my website design.To adapt my existing website template,improve on it with seo extensions appls.
This site is already designed but i need an improved multi media,and other applications on a joomla background.
This job will open doors to those wishing to have collaboration in Europe with my company.I market IT products, you design them.
You are expected to have programming knowledge,design background,SEO, ability to set a feasible project time,admin site for updates.

Church Website.

Church Website.
I would like you to design a CHARITY website.
The project is a straight forward CHARITY site with images.
We’ll provide contents of the site and other PICs that maybe included.
If addition pictures are needed you may provide them.
I will appreciate designers who have done similar project to make it easy. I donot mind an existing example to clone or an original concept.
I can provide joomla templates for the project.
My budget is $100.Its my donation to a HAITI charity.

Adaptation To Joomla

Adaptation To Joomla
I would like to work with a programmer who has experience with the joomla.To adapt my existing news website unto joomla with extensions and news friendly appls. I have access to templates on joomla for the project.
The site is already designed and well placed but i need an improved multi media,and because of the multi admin importance of the site,as a news site, i decided to adopt it to joomla.
This job requires competitive pricing and flexibility.
You are expected to have programming knowledge,design background,SEO, ability to set a feasible project time,possible news update assistance after the project is done.

Joomla & Yahoo Commerce

Joomla & Yahoo Commerce
I am looking for a Joomla expert. I have signed up for the Yahoo Small Business shopping cart. I have built a basic Joomla website using a template. The website sells 8 books. I need to get a Joomla expert who can:
1) Put the books into the catalog, and
2) Imbed the Yahoo shopping cart / commerce stuff into Joomla.

This is an urgent job which needs to be done over the next day or two.

Please let me know.

Html Site To Joomla Template

Html Site To Joomla Template

I need someone who is extremely good and experienced at this procedure.

The HTML template I would like to convert to Joomla can be seen on kriesi(.)at/demos/twicet/light/

This needs to be ported over to Joomla 1.5.15 and look exactly the same with all the same features, JavaScript, module positions etc.

If you know you can do it, please place your bids ๐Ÿ™‚



Jreviews Tweak

Jreviews Tweak
Hello, I am looking for someone familiar with Joomla and Jreviews who can perform a small tweak. Basically, I just need some type of code added that will allow the ‘featured listing module’ to display on all listings unless they are featured. So, the ability to recognize a featured listing and then not display.


I have a website created in Joomla.
There are functionality errors in some sections which needs to be perfected and improve and optimize the design to a professional level. Add Video section. Add the missing sections in the admin panel, Make it fully SEO and search engine submission, creation of robots.text file. On the homepage there is news section which slides down when fresh news is added. There is a image slider. There are ad banners. There are various other modules. Some sections like Matrimonial and Business directory need to be replaced with better module/extensions. There is also a blog which need to replaced with a better one available. There is a event calendar. The site need to be made better user friendly in all respect to the browsing audience. The backend admin panel also need to be made complete in every respect for easy operation.
The revised site should be all major browser compatible including IE6 and above, web 2.0 enabled.

The site is hosted on Go-daddy windows server

I will provide complete backup of the site in zip file formate for restoring on your pc server for necessary changes and perfecting.

Give me the perfected/improved site backup in zip formate which can be restored on the server as well as on pc.

Content For Website

Content For Website
We would like to have content put onto a website template that we have recently purchased. Our original site will remain in place to reflect our current product line. The new web address for the new site and product line will be ( with Bluehost as the provider. Winning bidder will download site onto bluehost account.We also have some additional content links that will need to be added to the template as well (approx. 5 links). This project will have to be completed fairly quickly due to recent changes to state regulations. All files,content,links and bluehost login and passwords will be provided to winning bidder.

Joomla Membership+video Plugin

Joomla Membership+video Plugin
I would like to add a membership extension to my current Joomla site:

This membership login will only be accessible from a subdomain that will also need to be created.

This membership section of the site needs to have:

1. A login page (main page on the subdomain).
2. A homepage after they have logged in. This home page will feature a video playlist, with a main video and a thumbnails with titles below.

some suggested video playlists:

All Videos Reloaded:



3. A main menu with submenu’s will need to be added as a sidebar to the main page.

4. The navigation menu in #3 will need to be available on all the pages.

5. This MUST be formatted in the backend so I will have easy admin access to change the content.

This can be created using the current template that is on our Joomla site:

This should really be a quick job to do. I do not require additional graphics for this project so its straight forward programming.


Advanced Form Js/php (joomla)

Advanced Form Js/php (joomla)
“The first part” of the following credit calculator form has to be programmed and put into our joomla project.

We don’t need a “User details form pages”
We don’t need a “Result page” with input data
We don’t need an “Email” send.

Only a few fields will be different.

Your result should be as comfortable for the user as in the example page (error messages on the fly & mouse over explanations at question marks โ€?โ€ ).

In the attached file you see the individual form steps we need.

First form page
Depending on the selected numbers at point 1) the number of input fields in point 2) varies.

First & second form page
On the first two form pages sums have to be calculated with javascript depending on the user input.