Search Results Problem

Search Results Problem
I am running a news site using Joomla. When people are doing a google search we come up fine in the results but the links to our articles is bad.It doesn’t land on the right page.

For example if you google: The New Zealand Week peter calder
We come up about 3rd in the list. But if you click on it it leads you to the page where the article was. But it has since been archived.

If you do an internal (site) search for ‘Peter Calder’ you’ll get the story.

Looking for someone to diagnose and fix this problem.

Virtuemart Mfg. Logo Scroller

Virtuemart Mfg. Logo Scroller

I am in need of a Virtemart manufacture logo scroller for my e commerce site.

One that scrolls all of the logos of the brands I offer across the top of my website and links through to the brands products once the logo is clicked. I would like it to count the number of times it is clicked, like the ad banners do. – This site does exactly what I am lookign for. They have hacked the mod_rokvirtuemart_scroller. I would like this exact same scroller, but to add the click counter each time a logo is clicked. I can provide the original mod_rokvirtuemart_scroller module if it helps.

Example of the original mod_rokvirtuemart_scroller:

To give some other examples of manufacturer scrollers(not on virtuemart):


Complete Upgrade Mambo Xcart

Complete Upgrade Mambo Xcart
Hi everyone,

I am after a complete upgrade of my mambo / x-cart system at:

I would need the following:

1. Creating on Test Server

2. New CSS Version of MagicWorld (I have original psd) but needs to be tweaked, and made wider say 900px. I like the idea of modernizing my template a little like: so the buttons do cool stuff like: but essentially keeping it roughly the same design as is. Of course the css must be created so it works in both joomla and x-cart. (top menu is created in css and just needs tweaking (add smoke or effects etc)

3. At present Mambo is the front page.. but I think I would like x-cart to be the first page they hit, so that it displays the products correctly (instead of having to copy the product layout from x-cart and put into joomla frontpage manually!)

4. 3 column neat layout of featured products

5. I have many modules installed. Everything has to be highly SEO’d so x-cart would be installed in base directory at so products would be at:

6. All existing content and orders imported into new x-cart.. and on day of it going live, must be synced with existing magicworld orders and products, so that I do not lose any data, and must be put live through the night in UK time.

7. certainly need http redirects on all categories, and if possible all existing products to minimize a loss of search engine rankings with google, as I am extremely high.

8. A bridge needs to be created between x-cart login and joomla, so if they are logged in from x-cart, they are logged in with same username and password to joomla, must be seamless and without any bugs. I want people to be able to comment on articles in magicworld joomla with the same username and password, then move back to the shop and purchase without having to re log in.

9. I relize not all modules that are currently installed can be put into new system but I have heard the 1 page checkout for x-cart is the best. But I do have many modules installed that needs to be addressed as closely to existing site as possible.

10. Need as much social media putting into site as possible, ie. tags and social bookmarks on every product page, twitter and facebook logos and as much ajax as possible!

But essentially just an upgrade of existing old mambo to joomla and same with x-cart.

Need someone 100% reliable that is always available and happy to talk on msn and talk about progress.

Although I want doing, there is no mad rush, I need to get this site perfect before even thinking about going live.

Many Thanks

All the best

Joomla User Credit Solution

Joomla User Credit Solution
A word document with detailed description is attached.

We want to implement a user credit solution on our Joomla/Virtuemart page.

User can upload money (credits) to his account and spend them for downloads or other services,

Some deticated users should be able to detuct credits via the frontpage (they do consulting via telephone, payment is done via users credit)


– We need to finalize this project until 30th of april. Please do not bid if you do not have the capacity to work on it.

– This is a commercial project and needs skilled programmers with the corresponding knowledge. Its not a question of low cost – but on high quality!

– First step will be a rework of the spec by the programmer to give us an overview of the solution method.

– This needs to be implemented carefully – a review of our specification, pre programming discussion on the solution method and a clear documentation is mandatory.

– We do not want any core hacks in any of the installed modules. If you think one is necessary this needs to be released by us.

Joomla Horse Racing Component

Joomla Horse Racing Component
Looking for a component developed for Joomla to allow manual data entry that our horse racing handicapper can input the same variable categories daily in the administrator for each horse race of each track for users to download per day the .PDF tip sheets.
The basic Joomla instalation and template has been set up at

I am looking for further development and integration of a custom component, member account authentication capability, and secure payment integration with merchant account and other listed functionality described below:

Projects Details and Website Description

Functionaly Needed

Provide a daily tip sheet (Home Work) to the Horse Racing industry. Daily tip sheet will be distributed online at website address: The website will inform visitors of the handicapping service offered, as well allow a customer to sign up and purchase daily or monthly access. After payment received from a credit card purchase using a secure transaction portal, a download of the daily tip sheets will be available on a secured webpage.

The target clientele will be horse racing enthusiasts that place bets on horse races. The daily tip sheet will provide hours of handicapping insight for a small fee for the time savings.

Content Management System to be integrated with: Joomla 1.5

Project Specifications Overview:

A component developed for the joomla cms that is based on a form with multiple custom named inputs of data. Multiple data variables will be collected on this form. Each variable will be manually input using the joomla administrator. The form will then publish displaying the data in a chart with a row for descriptions of variables followed by a row for each horse listed. A column will display the variable data of each item collected on the form in the order collected from left to right.

There will be 3 different charts per race that will be comprised of the following categories:

– Betting Line
– Pace Line
– Input Data

This form will be used for the data entry of each race, and for each track in the U.S. of the following day’s races. The three sections will be displayed for each race of each track daily. The daily tip sheet will be available to download in a one page adobe .PDF (print ready) document for each individual race or compiled with all tip sheets for each race of a particular track. The .PDF document will also display in a pop up window for immediate viewing.

The organization should be automatic based on a selection during the race manual input. A track name will be available for all tracks in the U.S. to associate the race with the appropriate track in a drop down box. A second drop down will be available to select the race number of that race as associated for each particular track.

New Membership sign up page
Form to gather account details and a link to the credit card transaction gateway for payment processing and deposit in to bank account. After payment is received account login is automatically emailed to users email provided during signup and downloads will be available once logged in.

Membership Authentication and Login

Basic Form: username and password
Link: new accounts
Link: forgot login

User Secured login page will provide a List of tracks names that each link to a separate page to display the download links for the selected track, also for each individual race.

Download access will be based on purchase selection of daily access or monthly access.
If a monthly access is selected user will have unlimited access for the month starting from the day the monthly payment is received. If the daily selection is made user will have access for 24 hours and will only allow that days tips sheets for download. At the end of the billing month or the 24 hrs after the account user is activated the account will be redirected to a new window when additional attempt to login is made. At this window the user will need to make additional payment for continued access.

Simple Website Design With Cms

Simple Website Design With Cms
Hello I’m looking for a website designer/developer.

I’ve started the design, you will finish. I have the main page pretty much designed, just need someone to change a few things and polish it up… give it that designer touch and polish

requirements for design:
2. use my design (attached) as a starting point, just replace the lightbulb with a high efficiency fluorescent light bulb
3. Design content pages for pages like “about us”. this will include the logo at the top, a heading and space for paragraphs of text.
4. the footer should be on every page
5. Each of the 5 words (Efficiency, agility, value, innovation, mobility) should link to a content page and also a pop over should be displayed on top of those words for x (configurable) amount of seconds… For instance, when I arrive to the site there will be a small popover box over “Efficiency” with some text of my choosing, then in x seconds, it disappears and one shows up over “value”. There should be no order to this but should be random
6. design a product page with an area for screenshots (and clickable carousel of images) at the top, a heading underneath and place for paragraphs underneath

requirements for website:
1. must be a joomla or drupal site. You decide
2. you will create the joomla or drupal site, I will deploy it to a server.
3. You will assist me with deployment as necessary
4. I need to have control over what pages get put in the footer.

additional requirements:
1. You must not limit me to an amount of changes in design.
2. you must be available to speak on the phone if we can’t work something out via e-mail
3. I reserve the right to cancel the project and not make payment if I do not like the output or I am not getting what I want. I am not trying to screw anyone, but I will not settle for work that is not the best.

Unordered List Joomla

Unordered List Joomla
I need someone to fix an issue with my joomla site.

Unordered and ordered list are not showing the list bulleted or with numbered in my joomla articles. They show in the editor but not on the front end.

My unordered list are showing like this: (with no bullets or numbers)
list 1
list 2
list 3

I need them to show like this: ( with the bullet beside the list item)
.list 1
.list 2
.list 3

Like this for ordered list: (with the number beside them)
1 List 1
2 List 2
3 List 3

If you understand unorderd list and Joomla place a bid.

Programming Project 1269708730

Programming Project 1269708730
Develop a javascript or similar script, to be hosted on a Joomla CMS installation, and to be simply included in an article of the CMS, doing the following:
• Get data on an external FTP website (txt file) at a fixed hour, every day
• Display the content gathered in HTML and in PDF (the data layout must be structured properly)
• If no data available on the FTP (no connection or whatever), do not update the content on my Joomla website, but keep displaying the last one
• The surfer of my Joomla website cannot have access to the FTP source, reason why I have to transpose the content.
The FTP location is modified everyday, the date is the variable.

I have 3 different sources like that (2 txt and 1 pdf) to render in HTML and for which the FTP source must be unvisible.

Simple Joomla Editing Needed

Simple Joomla Editing Needed
I have a Joomla! Site using jSeblod CCK. I need the following:
– Results in the CCK to be sorted by date
– Field ‘User’ in Results table to link to User’s Joomla! Profile
– Front-end input page to have – form with 5 fields.
– Search page to have ‘Search Now’ button.

The site and tables etc are already in place and working, all that is needed is a few minor tweaks.