From Psd Layout To Joomla

From Psd Layout To Joomla
You must create a template for Joomla from a layout made with PSD, (if you prefer I have the version in Illustrator CS4). We have to make two pages: the homepage and an internal page.
The template must be table-less, and possibly SEO Friendly.
I’ll provide dedicated FTP space where Joomla 1.5xxx is installed.
Apart from the template I need also the skeleton of navigation: the creation of sections, categories and menus. And the activation and positioning of some modules: login and latest news.
The site is in Italian, so it would be useful a minimal knowledge of Italian.

Joomla Re-design And Update

Joomla Re-design And Update
Hi, i have a site which is currently Joomla 1.5. I will require Joomla be updated to the latest version but also a re-design of the website to make it more professional looking. There will be some slight changes to the text on some pages, tho mostly its a redesign for a good Joomla and graphics designer.
I DO NOT want the cheapest quote and this is NOT how i will choose the winning bid. I will only read personised replies and quotes and all quotes must come with example of previous Joomla template designs. I will make small change to the module for generating the quotations or the calculator.
Development to Include:
– Design / Development consultation to learn about company and also the aims of the website
– Some mockup design concepts and one will be chosen
– Inner page design concept
– redesign the homepage slightly
– Add video to from
– Joomla 1.5 template coding and stying adhering to standard web 2.0 protocols including tableless css structure
– Template to include all Joomla stying configurations
– Cross browser compatability
– Template installation
– Content updating
most important products.
– SEO Overhaul to improve Google rankings
– Submission to Google LCB
– Website Testing and QA

Please quote and send me examples of pervious Joomla template work carried out.
Feel free to ask questions and thanks for looking.


Steven 🙂

Need A Website In Joomla

Need A Website In Joomla
Hello Freelancers,
I have a project awaiting for a good freelancer or a company who can complete this task.Its an Adult Website where people can login, leave posts, ratings, reviews Must be secure.we dont need any streaming video.we will give you examples from other sites.if you can copy it to our wishes,that will be great.web designing capabilities and ajax skills IS needed for this job and experience with adult websites will get preference. This is the quality of work we are looking for. As you can see this website has very good layout, good code and is very extensive. It is a kind of marketplace where people can post projects, receive bids and write reviews.
Posted cases can only be fully seen after log-in.

we must make a secrecy agreement before we can disclose all details of the project.

We don’t need an exact copy of this site; as we are going to build a different site. But we could use this site as a base perhaps, as a lot will be similar or the same.

The reason why it is an adult site, is because the content will be fully pornographic. We need you to indicate if you are OK with working on such as site.

By bidding on this project,YOU AGREE WITH THE have to provide the following details in PMB.
1)Please let me know what is a realistic planning.

2)we would like our budget not to surpass your bid amount, which means we cannot incur further cost for this website.Also, we want to make sure you can provide this project to our complete and whole satisfaction for your bid amount.

Can you guarantee that realistically?

3)This project is really very extensive, and we need you to be OK with that, and make a planning for it.

Inviting bids from Interested Freelancers or companies.

Have a good Time 🙂

Best Regards

Freight Pricing In Joomla

Freight Pricing In Joomla
I have a website that has a shipping module which retrieves freight prices from my FedEx account via Webservices up to 150 lbs. In order for me to offer freight charges for items that weigh more than 150 lbs., I have decided to offer FreightQuote shipping prices on my site. FreightQuote is a freight shipping service that delivers items that weigh more than 150 lbs. They are able to offer these freight shipping charges via internet.

I am looking for someone who can implement code into my Joomla 1.5.10 VirtueMart 1.1.4 software which will add the function of retrieving shipping prices from FreightQuote server and offering them to customers as part of the sale. Like the FedEx webservices, just from Freightquote instead for this project.

Joomla Virtuemart Css Website

Joomla Virtuemart Css Website
I have a Joomla e-commerce website currently in developement and I need some CSS work and a few components configred.

I am not looking for someone to do the framework of the entire site. This project does not include linking any of the menu items or uploading or editing any products into virtuemart. I can take care of all of that stuff. This project is mostly concerned with the layout of the site. I will take care of all of the content.

*All of the logos and products listed on the screenshots are for testing & developement purposes only. We are not affilated with any of the brands listed nor are we selling any of their products.*

The ideal canidate will be able to create joomla templates from photoshop .psd files. We are a graphics design firm with multiple clients in need of new websites. I have multiple websites lined up after this site to produce and if this project works out well I would like to work with the same programmer on all of our joomla websites. This will comes down to the quality, speed, price and level of commnication.

There are 6 screen shots:

The V1.jpg images are scren shots of a rough estimate of what the site will look like once it is completed. The screen shots are set to 930px wide (wrong size)– actual site is 980px wide (correct size)– need to adapt what is on the V1.jpg images to the actal 980px wide website.

The current.jpg images are screen shots of the site how it is now.

homepageV1.jpg = finished
homepage-current = page as it currently stands. Needs to be modified to match the homepageV1.jpg

Need Homepage CSS to match screen shot
• Background with black border
• Main logo positioned correctly
• Search bar positioned correctly and image and css to match
• Brand scroller arrows to match
• main menu – mens, womens, accessories etc. (hover over needs to drop down horizontally into submenu)
• submenu – help, gift cards, catalog etc. – positioned to the left
• top menu – view cart, check out, live help etc.
• Already have the live help module installed, need it configured
• Translator – joomfish already installed, needs to be configured
• Do not worry about linking menu items, I will handle linking the menu items
• Virtuemart cherry picker for side bar catagories. Needs to be installed and CSS Configred – module found here:

brandpageV1.jpg = finished
brandpagecurrent = page as it currently stands. Needs to be modified to match the brandpageV1.jpg

We need to setup one brand page with CSS and coding to be the example. We will go through and add all of the brands once the example has been set on the site.

Need Brand Page CSS to match screen shot
• Bread crumbs above Brand Banner “Brand > (Brand Name)”
• Brand Banner
• “Brand Info” below the banner. This text links to brand a brand article that we will create. “Get Brand Alerts” we are still developing this feature and it is not yet ready, it does not need to be coded into the site.
• Brand Logo “Brand Name”
• Sorting options – able to sort and filter the selections.
• We will be taking new photos of the products to match the correct photo demensions – we will upload the photos.
• Product image ic clickable and links to the product page – set on catagorie flypage
• Product numbering and next page buttons on bottom of page

ProductPagev1.jpg = Finished
productpagecurrent = page as it currently stands. Needs to be modified to match the productpageV1.jpg

Need Product Page CSS to match screen shot
• Ad Banner above product page
• Product picture with hover over image magnifying (already done)
• Next to image “check out more (Brand Logo)” links to the brands page
• Available in Colors: (images link to correct color product page) similar to current drop down box but instead we want the colored pictures
• Sizing and fit info pops up a light box. We will fill in the info for the popup lightbox.
• Share this button allows for sharing product on social sites including myspace, facebook, twitter etc…
• Select size drop down box
• Product cost and add to cart buttons
• Currency convertor similar to changes total price to correct currency. Google has this
• More info box
• And product reviews.

Joomla And Forum Integration

Joomla And Forum Integration

I need to move a forum to another site and have it integrated into a Joomla site.

I want to preserve the forum and make all the members of the forum (that are approved) members of the new Joomla site as well.

You will also need to be able to use an extension that can incorporate the forum into the sites theme, and move the link on the home page to the new forum location.

The forum is

The new site with Joomla installed is

The existing forum is phpBB2

You may need to upgrade to phpBB3

All post, threads, section and forums must be maintained.

Bidder must have experience in Joomla, and forums.

We are ready to start immediately. Please bid fast.

Bill McRea

Pay To Join Blog Site

Pay To Join Blog Site
I need a blog site made Immediately for a friend.
Will be uploaded to my server.

Based on Joomla, must be extremely user friendly in back office.
Page loads must be fluid with no hangups.

I will supply photo and colors for site.

Front page will be a lead in to viewers to subscribe to site, read the stories submitted by owner. Paypal and Alertpay both, with feature to subscribe by cell phone also. Monthly subscriptions to email addresses submitted by site admin.

Basic content box on front page that admin can edit at will easily in back office.

Listings of stories that members can read on sign in. Edited categories / dates for admin. Protected from copy and paste. Read only.

Basic forum for admin to communicate with subscribers.

Admin can email blast all subscriber members daily.
Admin can cell phone text blast all subscriber members daily.

Text and banners of site name with logo that members may post on social site pages or elsewhere.

And I need This ASAP, Now, within day or two. Do not take this project if you cannot work on it Right Now Immediately.

The price listed is final. $200

Programmer who takes this will also be given a free spot on 2 other sites I own that are being built. and long term financial gain with both of those.

Make your bid and show demo. And Daily Reports Expected.
Project is to be built ASAP. Now.

Turn Into Rss Feeds 50 Urls

Turn Into Rss Feeds 50 Urls
I have a list with 50 eshop section urls . Those eshops have a section with “products with discount” . I want someone to make rss feeds of these sections WITH IMAGES and price included in order to add them to my joomla site. Those rss feeds must be able to catch all section updates in the future.
To give you an example of how those eshops are here are 3 links:
I can be in constant contact with the developer to help him in what he needs since the sites are in Greek

Script Needed For Weekly Grab

Script Needed For Weekly Grab

We need a procedure/script which will copy EVERY week content from a website to a new article into our Joomla website.

The website is publishing every week a dance chart and we want this chart grabbed every week into a new Joomla article.

We need the following fields for every entry (please check source website):

1st ranking
2nd ranking last week
3rd Week in chart
4rd Name and title

Footer: Charts © GfK Benelux Marketing Services – Media Control / GfK International – Official website:

Also a header and a extra footer which both needs to be editable (maybe as moduleposition so we can enter any data we want?).

This need to be done thru a automatic script every week and sent a email when the chart is placed on the target website.

Car Comparison System

Car Comparison System
Full custom build or using joomla and building a component for the comparison (which ever is faster)

Back end :
Load car images, specs and prices
Add articles and news
Normal joomla features

Front end:
clean design and interface.
Easy to access drag and drop car comparison system (maybe drag an images into place and which opens comparison)
Ability to load dealer books.

We need the comparison system to work similar to without the dealer deals etc.

I will need to see a demo before i assign the project to a programmer, and the approximate time i need to approve the whole thing is two to three weeks.

Need Stuff Done

Need Stuff Done

I need the following done and need it done today, this should be quick for anyone that knows joomla.



At the footer there are 9 links in a row, I need those lined to pages already built, if there not built
yet, I need those ones created, on the pages just put the name of the link on the page so if its “Firm News”
just put “firm news” in the content body.

I also need a plugin put on for “site map” and linked to it. I also need the Disclaimer page made.


Top Navigation: I need pages made for all these, if pages are already on these then go to the next one.

* Home
* Firm Profile
o Clients
o Careers
o Firm News
* Attorneys
o Brian C. Kunzler
o Bruce R. Needham
o Bryan J. Massey
o Scott D. Thorpe
o Tyler R. Goucher
o Alec J. McGinn
o Tyler S. Nield
o Richard B. Nordgren
o Scott Hilton
o David J. McKenzie
o Alan L. Edwards
* Practice Areas
o Litigation
o Trademarks
* Patents
* Contact us


I need the pages under attorneys I need all the formating to be perfect and fixed so the paragraphs
are even and its looking good like the homepage.


Under Practice areas I need the following added to the drop down menu and pages made: (without the *’s)

* Patents
* Trademarks
* Start-up Services
* China Practice
* Copyrights
* Services in Chinese
* Intellectual Property Litigation
* Confidentiality & Non-compete Agreements
* Internet Domain Name Disputes
* IP Law & Counterfeit Products
* Deceptive Trade Practices
* Intellectual Asset Management & Licensing


Up Top:

Under search there is Resources and Site Map, I need those two linking and working as well.

I may have more but thats it for now.

Fast job = Small Budget = more jobs in future.

Display Errors Joomla Website

Display Errors Joomla Website
Hello, I have some problems on this website when use IE to navigate it, most of this doesn’t happen when using Firefox. The site is based on joomla

1-As you position the cursor in the main menu an error mark in the status bar, seems to be a problem with the menu module, you can change the module keeping the appearance.
2-On IE 8 search box is misplaced, and modules are mixed up
3- some of errors on 2. doesn´t happen in compatibility mode, but
but the gallery fails (error on page)
4- after password change process, It messes up the user entry form and other modules positions (both in mozilla as in explorer).
5-when entering the wrong password there is no apearance change, do it more friendly.
6-When registering a new user we need to display a message please check your e-mail to continue the registration process (nothing comes out so people can not activate the account.)
7-Add an option to logout visible so users can exit safely.

It should display the same way both on IE and Firefox

thanks, please check

http://www. c n p-c o l o m b i