Joomla Migration And Repair

Joomla Migration And Repair
Joomla Programmer and Expert Needed. I have a Joomla site that has to be moved to a new server. All the directories and databases have been copied over and the home page of the site loads but all other pages are blank. It’s probably just a configuration problem. I also have another site that was migrated by another programmer here that has some issues. The content of the Fireboard Forums do not display. And a few pages don’t display in Firefox and that do display in IE. Hopefully the successful canidate will be avaialable to do more work in the future to create and modify modules for these sites.

WordPress Site Needed

WordPress Site Needed
We’re in need of a WordPress guru to create a new website. Deadline is important, so we require a programmer that can deliver within the required timeframe. The goal is to create a new WordPress theme and transfer data from an existing blog, to a WordPress format. The existing blog url is:
All posts and links should be copied to the new site.
The new site will also require podcasting ability.
Deadline is:
-1st draft/mockup in 48 hrs
-site completion by Jan. 17th.
If you can deliver within requested time frame and budget, we’ll look forward to reviewing your pmb!

Replicate Website W/joomla

Replicate Website W/joomla
I would like to replicate a website using Joomla, obviously, I will be changing out content etc, we will just be using the content there till this is done as I do not want any legal dealings. I just want to replicate the functions and feel. Please read attachment..

Easy, copy and modify my Joomla template and joomla site to have same content and functions as listed while using Joomla modules and the section I listed.

Small Shop With Shopping Cart

Small Shop With Shopping Cart
Hey People,

I am looking for a Design professional to create a Small Online Store for my DVD SALES BUSINESS; the store should have a professional design, nice layout, with easy navigation and be search engine friendly.

The online shop will consist of the following:

Website Design
Home Page
About US
25 DVD Products
Shopping Cart / Admin
Shipping and Payments
Contact US

Website should be easy to ADD / DELETE / EDIT Products.

Images and Text Content are ready; this should be a quick project for an experienced person.

We will have a Simple Website Design like:

This project is URGENT, so please send your Bid and Samples to my PMB for review and selection.

BUDGET: $150-$200




Joomla Docman Expert Required

Joomla Docman Expert Required

we have joomla on our website along with Docman 1.5. which we wish to use as a document management system. I am looking for someone with extensive experience on Docman to help addd on more features for it to work. We dont have knowledge at all on docman, so we will require advise on what we can do to get the best out of it.

Clone This Site

Clone This Site
I need a clone of this site with a few slight changes

Operating System Deploment (——– I do not require this, I want this to be called “Tools and Utilities” whereby I can download tools, I would like this page to look like this with a small text about the tool but without the images and the hyperlink to go straight to the download and not to another page like the example,

Idealy to be created in Joomla, so it will be easy for me to change, add, or edit articles (pages)

Show your pass work
PM, me about how, or what backend you will be using
Always be available through the project on msn, or yahoo
No silly bids
Have MORE then 20 POSITIVE feedbacks,

Programming Project 1263299531

Programming Project 1263299531
Looking for Online flight, Hotel & Car rental booking system.

I am looking to have it function like as far as visual and functionality. I want it simple. Must be user friendly and a admin panel for access.

Details will be ironed out once I get the right bidder.

Maximum bidding amount $300. I repeat….

If you have a hard time keeping a set schedule or difficulties in working with your client, don’t bother.

Please only programmers with online booking system experience must bid. If you are confident you can design the site to make it funtion just like KAYAK.COM you have the bid.

Do not bid if you do not have experience with search engines for travel website.

I need to see your PMB showing a similar search engine project you did.

I need this completed within 2 weeks from confirmation, plenty of time.

Currently working with projects in Joomla, Drupal and DW CS4. If the working relationship works well, future projects will come available.


Pricequoter Type Site

Pricequoter Type Site
I’m wiling to pay $120-$180 for this work. It must be done in 15 days.

I need a joomla or drupal template modified and installed and made to do the following:

This site is going to provide a pricing and quote application to our customers based on simple calculations. The website must be compatible with iPhone and Windows Mobil in addition to Firefox, IE, and Safari.

The website will have 4 User Groups; Potential Customers, Customers, Application Users, and Site Administrators.

Potential Customers will find the site via various marketing campaigns. They will visit the root of the site – page layout and design will be provided – and given the opportunity to purchase. Upon purchase confirmation, the website will need to send the Potential Customer an email with login credentials and a link to the Customer Console.

Customers will use their confirmation email to connect to and authenticate to their Customer Console. The Customer Console will give the Customer the ability to modify and customize the settings for their PriceQuoter application. They will enter text and upload graphics. The Customer Console will provide a link to the unique address of their personalized PriceQuoter application that they can share with their clients for use (This address needs to contain the customer’s company name). The Customer Console will also inform the Customer of their subscription expiration date and give them the opportunity to renew and process the payment. The Customer Console will also provide an opportunity for the Customer to submit “suggested features” to the Site Administrator

Application Users will visit the site via the link to the PriceQuoter Application provided to the Customer in the Customer Console. They will NOT need to authenticate. The PriceQuoter will have a page header that displays the Customer’s logo and company name and tagline along with any other configured text. The page will also need to be formatted to the Customer’s colors via CSS or something similar. The PriceQuoter will present the Application Users with a form requesting the information required to calculate the price. The results will be presented on the screen, and/or emailed, and available to print.

Site Administrators will log in and be able to view, sort, filter, add, delete, edit all customer informtion. Link to Customer Consoles, and PriceQuoters. They will also need to be able to view and sort “suggested features”.

The main ecommerce portion of the site will look like this:
– Index (this is also where purchases will be made)
– Customer Login
– Terms & Conditions
– Privacy Policy
– About Us
– Contact

Note: it’s not shopping cart site all it sell is the service 1 year subscription. The initial product is $150 for the first 12 months. They can renew for $50 from the customer console)

The rest of the site will be:
*Customer Console*
– Settings Page
– Application Skin Settings
– Customer Service
– Suggest Feature
– Link to Quote Application

*Quote Application*
– Application data capture form
– Application result display

*Admin Console*
– List, sort, view customers
– Link to customer consoles
– Link to customer apps
– List Feature Suggestions
– View License expiration by date

Audio Site

Audio Site
I’m willing to pay $130-180 for this work. It must be done in 14 days or less. The client is going to provide the design. It will be made in drupal or joomla.

THE COMPANY is a music based platform that will allow users to stream music for free via our custom flash Player. The website will have an API connection to YouTube but will only play the audio and not display the video. THE Player will be located on the footer of the page as users scroll up and down and even click on hyperlinks throughout the website and external pages (web), the audio will continue to play. To clarify the music at any time will not stop playing unless the user prompts it to by clicking the x icon or the stop button.

Users will be able to create an account with the use of api’s such as (remove the ZZZZZ) where they can login with their Facebook, Google, etc. Once logged in they will be able to create playlists for the audio player. They will have the ability to manage the playlists they have created; and be able to share their playlist with their friends via a similar open source code that allows them to share with facebook, mysapce, twitter and other social networks.
The audio player which is located at the footer of the page should show the title of the audio playing and also an image. When songs are added they will be shown in a menu where the user will have the ability to change the order which they play. Dragging the track out will remove it from the playlist. There will be four buttons;
Now Playing – when this button is clicked the current list of songs playing will be revealed
Search – Will bring a search box within the player where users can add songs to their current list.
My Playlists – will display the users playlists which they have saved in their account
More – will include help which will hyperlink to the help section of our website. Share. Embed which will be a html that will allow users to add their player to their website or blog.

If the user is not logged in the My Playlist button should be substituted for login.

There should be a Google search box on the home page so the user can exit the site with the player still at the footer of the page and browse the web with our THE COMPANY audio player. Also there will be regular audio advertisements playing in intervals i.e. every other third song.

As the player will initially be stream lined on the footer of the window, there should be a very visible ‘maximum’ tab/lever on the top right to initiate a functionality of reviewing an initial playlist of featured artists and albums etc.

A general reference to the functionality and design of our audio player will be suggested once a bid has been placed with an initial quote and estimated time frame of the project.

With regards to the site we’d like to express our standards and expectations as we are excited to introduce this concept of browsing the web with our automated audio player at hand. Being able to search and stream music from the web directly through our audio player, we believe users will take a positive outlook to this as it has not yet been apparent.

We do admire the functionality of the audio player on sky songs ( (remove the CCCCCC) as it is creative, streamlined and will be perfectly fitted at the footer of the page. As for the site it must be aesthetically pleasing but modern and stylish layout containing some rich and vibrant graphics, lightly peppered with some subtle Flash animated elements.

The site will obviously need to be installed and set up on their server.