Joomla Form To Create Account

Joomla Form To Create Account

IMPORTANT : REPLY WITH “AGREED” as the first word of your message or bid : this is to avoid bots or copy/paste bids). Without this, your bid will not be considered. Job is immediate and needs to be completed in the next 3 days, don’t bid if you can complete, test and deliver in this timeframe.


I need a Joomla and AdsManager expert to complete a work that has been started but not finished. Joomla, AdsManager and a template are already installed.

Tasks to do are :

Hi !

We are developing a customized classfield ads website using Jumi (Jumi is a component that allows to use PHP scripts in articles or modules)

We need a PHP AND JOOMLA expert that knows how to create customized modules/components and extract a $_POST[] data.

We have tried to send a POST to our PHP page (article), and joomla sends us a 404 error, and when we send a post to the Jumi page (from menu) the value returned by $_POST is NULL.

So what we need, are two things :

1: An example of retrieving a $_POST data in a module or in a custom component that you will have to create.

2: The form will be used by user that doesn’t have an account yet, so the form will extract the data into the ads_system table in DB,
AND in the jos_users table ( need to create a real joomla account (with encrypted password + salt))

In the form, they will be all the fields required to create a joomla account that is :
Name, Nickname, Email, Password, plus other additionnal fields.

What you need to do is :

Joomla 1.5.15 with Jumi (component, search “jumi” in google)
you will need to use it as a new page (component > jumi > add file > “blabla” > path to blabla (/text.php for example))
after you created the title for this file’s path, go into main menu, new item, Jumi, and select “blabla” in the select form.

make a html form on it

like :
<form action=”URL YOU WANT, I GUESS A COMPONENT” method=”post”>
<input type=”text” name=”name” />
<input type=”text” name=”nickname” />
<input type=”text” name=”email” />
<input type=”password” name=”password” />

for the script what will be called by this form, I let you think about…

* Please save us time and only bid if you are an experienced Joomla & PHP programmer.

Joomla Vitumart Custom T-shi 2

Joomla Vitumart Custom T-shi 2
I looking for a custom T-shirt Flash interface working with Joomla Version 1.5 and VirtueMart 1.1.4 like

Check features:
I need to load unlimited items like t-shirts, caps, etc…

Admin be able to define print areas, t-shirt colors, provide templates for the customer and get a ready-to-print Vector PDF file for all sides of T-shirt, caps, etc…

Customer be able to upload his picture or choise from provided templates, write text, use preview function, choise size and can buy per piece.



Budget 150$ to 400$ USD.

Please provide the demo of your project!!!

Thank you!


Add Pages – Joomla

Add Pages – Joomla
This is a simple –

I need someone to go to my joomla site admin
create articles for each page that just say “change me” and I want it to look like the homepage.

I will need you to create drop down menus as well (all in the code all you do is link it to its correct page and crap, pretty easy) I just dont have time for it.

Need it done today

Google Listed Site As Attack

Google Listed Site As Attack
Yesterday Google listed my site as an attack site.

I’m running Joomla 1.5 and have a secure login so don’t see how I could have been compromised.

I searched my site and could not see any malicious code. I then used to do a full scan of the site and they could not find any malicious code. I’ve used Google’s Safe Browsing diagnostic and they returned the following:


Site is listed as suspicious – visiting this web site may harm your computer.

Part of this site was listed for suspicious activity 1 time(s) over the past 90 days.

What happened when Google visited this site?

Of the 5 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 0 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2010-03-11, and the last time suspicious content was found on this site was on 2010-03-11.
Malicious software includes 15 exploit(s), 1 scripting exploit(s).

This site was hosted on 1 network(s) including AS36351 (SOFTLAYER).

Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware?

Over the past 90 days, did not appear to function as an intermediary for the infection of any sites.

Has this site hosted malware?

Yes, this site has hosted malicious software over the past 90 days. It infected 11 domain(s), including,,


I need someone who knows how to get me OFF the Google blacklist QUICKLY.

PLEASE, only personal responses. ALSO, please only respond if you can do this and are somewhat of a security expert.


Advanced Joomla Form Js/php

Advanced Joomla Form Js/php
A copy of the following credit calculator form has to be programmed and put into our joomla project.

In the attached file you see the individual form steps.

It has to be almost exactly the same. Only a few fields will be different.
Your result should be as comfortable for the user as in the example page (error messages on the fly & mouse over explanations at question marks ”?” ).

First form page
Depending on the selected numbers at point 1) the number of input fields in point 2) varies.

First & second form page
On the first two form pages sums have to be calculated with javascript depending on the user input.

User details form pages
After the calculation there will be 4-6 form pages for the personal details of the user (name, city, etc.)

Result page
The result page shows all input data again with a checkbox to verify.

In the end a structured email with all user- and calculated data will be send via Email.

Joomla Feedback Form

Joomla Feedback Form
The attached PDF document shows one form that has to be included into our existing joomla project.

The little quares show the elements that have to be clickable (round) option fields.
In the first PDF page there are two columns.

1. The left column “Antragsteller” is for the person that applies.
2. The right column “Ehegatte/…” contains the same input fields as the left column. This only will be filled if another member of the same family wants to apply, too.
3. Before the last text paragraph there will be a checkbox field that the user has to click before submitting the form.

Create Community Builder Layou

Create Community Builder Layou

I am currently using community builder for my joomla site to list my models and their profiles. Well of course community builder list them verticle with a lot of space on the side. Here is an example thugseduction (net) /enter/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userslist&Itemid=140

I would like it to look like breeditraw (com)/members/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=266&Itemid=235

I had to put it in like that for you to see. Scriptlance wont let me put in the world wide web.

Well if you have anymore questions let me know so that we can get started ASAP. I hear this is a simple job and I have more work for you if this comes out cool.

Art Website Changes

Art Website Changes
Ok I need to have some changes and corrections on my website (Joomla).
1. Change the menu CSS (Side menu should be like top menu, I mean the color and one stop smaller in size)
2. Change Titles CSS (The titles should be in white color 🙂 )
3. Change The way that gallery displays images (Thumbnails of the images should be displayed completely and not cut to form the square.)
4. Add bullets to categories and sections list display (one of those already have this kind of change.)

Joomla Event Registration

Joomla Event Registration
This is what I have going on. I am a big fan of joomla CMS for my clients. Currently there is one component and it’s modules I am trying to customize for a client. It is for reserving fishing charters. I am using Event Reservation pro (GPL liscense) from and it is nearly complete.

What I can do is set up a ftp for you to get all my current source files for the project. This will include my current joomla install and components being used. I will send you a sql to import to your db so you will have exactly what I have. This is so you can set it up on your server to get what I need done.

My current production site is and here you can get a rough idea of what I am talking about.

I have attached a pdf to browse the areas of problems. Maybe we can treat each problem as it’s own project for you to quote out?

The first 4 are the priorites! The winning bidder will also be the one who can complete this the quickest as our client is getting impatient with this after us trying 4 different components. This component we are using is the closest we can get with only having to solve these 5 problems below.

1. In mini calendar it separates by category but when date is chosen it displays all categories. We need to show only that category and event that the mini calendar is assigned to. The other module next to it displays correct. So maybe you can get the other module to display as calendar instead?

2. After an event is booked, it needs to be removed from all front end views or either marked some how, maybe in red and not yellow for avaible as it does now, as not available from the start and not after clicking all the way into registering for the event, as it does now. basically it seems available right now but when user clicks through and trys to book it shows unavaible. It just doesn’t make sense?

3. I need to sort booked events in the backend. Currently it just sorts by title of category or date and so on. Not only booked events.

4. Can we implement an audit trail? Currently when logged in and a user is added to an event manually the details show “added by” admin. No matter who does it, it always says admin? We need to know (2)two things. Who created each event and who added users to an event, by method of username from jos_users preferably.

5. Collecting partial payments and showing balance owed. Basically a deposit system.

Thanks for your interest in this project!

Joomla Setup

Joomla Setup
I have installed on my server Joomla 1.5 and need someone to set it up as follows:

1) Insert header graphic which is already made.
2) Make the following tabs at the top and have them available at the main menu: Contact Us, About Us, Electrical Division, Communication/Data Division, Thermography/Infrared Division, Jobs, Partners.
3) Remove ALL content that is associated with the sample install, or I can uninstall Joomla and reinstall with no sample data, your choice.

This project needs done today.

Once I enter all data into the new configuration I will need additional things done to the site, but a seperate quote would be made for it.

So, give me your best price and lets get this done today!
