Coupon System

Coupon System
Hi guys,

Here is what we need:
A component which allows registered members the ability to redeem a coupon of a joomla based website.

Administrators Back end component:
When creating the coupon It must be uniquely numbered to keep track of whats going on, the admin must be able to set the time limit for the coupon, add an image, and select which users can access the coupon from a drop down list taken from the joomla core regsitered users.

Front end:
Users login via the normal joomla login modules.
They must only be able to view the coupons which is set by the administrator.
When the client clicks “redeem voucher” (a pop up window with a link to print will open) once the user clicks print it must be added to his/her account and a new unique number must be assigned to the new coupon in order to avoid reprinting the same coupon. Unless the admin has set a once off coupon in the back end.

We in a bit of a hurry to get this up and running.


Joomla Upgrade To 1.5 2

Joomla Upgrade To 1.5 2
We have a Joomla Powered site that needs to be upgraded from 1.0X to the latest version 1.5+. We have been online line for 6 years and our site is quite active. We are looking for a Joomla Expert who has done a successful migration before.

We will read your reviews and positive Joomla comments is a plus. If you can also do Template work let us know. Since that will be the next step

Integration Components Joomla

Integration Components Joomla
The project is simply connect two components joomla so that they can work together.

– Jvodes is a credit manager: allows, having joined the site, to purchase credits through Paypal, which can then be spent on the site.

-Dt-Register ( is a component that allows you to subscribe to events through the cash payment through paypal.

I would integrate the Jvodes credits system with Dt Register in a way that allows users to subscribe to my events NOT ONLY by paying the money but also through the credits.

“Dt register” keeps track of payments, of course, after the modification, will have to show at this point also track payments through credits.

The two software will be provided by me

Joomla Seo Expert Needed For S

Joomla Seo Expert Needed For S
I previously posted a full migration project, but after speaking to my dev, we have done a lot of the work required for moving to 1.5.3, and in fact have most of it up on a test site. The problem we are encountering however is on integrating with the proper SEO module and extensions to make our new site as search engine friendly as possible.

We are looking for a joomla dev who is an expert in integrating SEO into Joomla 1.5 as efficiently as possible (no hacks! we want the site to be easily upgradeable in the future).

I am attaching a list of all the extensions and components we are currently using. We are not opposed to alternatives if they will play nicer with the SEO.

We are looking for an expert who can provide the most efficient SEO options, including but not limited to search engine friendly URL’s. I cannot stress that we are seeking your expertise to suggest the most efficient and search friendly methods of SEO.

Main features of the site (i can provide address to the test site via PM):

* – News, Articles, Reviews
* – Forum integration with Comments to above articles
* – RSS
* – Private Messaging

Please do not request to discuss via PM. I simply do not have the time.

In your bid, please propose the modules and extensions you will be using, and how you would plan on attacking the project. And of course, how long it would take. The more details, the better chance of your bid winning.

Thank you in advance.

Google Ranking For Joomla Site

Google Ranking For Joomla Site
For one of our clients we have a Joomla website of about 50 pages. Now we want the website to be better found in Google and the source of the pages is already filled with keywords. We would like to have:
– The website found by Google when corresponding keywords are used (since the market isn’t very big in the business of this webiste that shouldn’t be hard)
– Google analytics inserted

Need Joomla Site Updated 2

Need Joomla Site Updated 2
Have joomla site that needs a few things updated:
I need some nice pictures for the site
I need a logo for site
I have content, just put it on the right pages.
I need the back end customized for viewing links .
I have 2 checkout, just need that as a register before entering user back-end.
Joomla Template already has a script for registering and passwords..

So it should be easy…

(need someone that prides there-self’s in excellence)
I have other jobs following this one..
Once done just need it on my server thanks

Niche Social Network Site

Niche Social Network Site
Am looking for a seasoned developer who can develop for me asocial network which will have the following features.Pls I want site which has been developed from scratch and not phpfox,socialengine,drupal or joomla).Serious people who can send detailed SRD or proposal.Priority will be given to people who have made socialnetworks which have been able to monetize or sold.Include references

1.Good look and feel good front end (simple but nice,the front end should make people understand what the site is about)
2.The login and profile creation (ajax) (need to give u details)
3.Subscription (e.g u pay 50 dollars and you get “mystore on ur profile)
4.Basic social stuff (Add friends,share files video,word,pdf,music),polls,quiz,q&a,forums,blogs,video,music,wall,chat,Q&A,tags,classifieds,events,comments,status,notification,private message)
5.Gmap (mini map on profile) and a larger map
6.Places I have lived (performed)
7.Portfolio Management
8.Ecommerce module (Read section C) this is perhaps the most important because that is hw i can make money
9.Business Directory
10.Job listing
12.Users banner (because most users will have their personal websites so the banner )
13.Ability to place ads and manage ads
14.Corporate CRM
15.Video conferencing

I have attached some of the features am looking at but we will not put them all at once

Advanced Form Js/php (joomla 3

Advanced Form Js/php (joomla 3
“The first part” of the following credit calculator form has to be programmed and put into our joomla project.

We don’t need a “User details form pages”
We don’t need a “Result page” with input data
We don’t need an “Email” send.

Only a few fields will be different.

Your result should be as comfortable for the user as in the example page (error messages on the fly & mouse over explanations at question marks ”?” ).

In the attached file you see the individual form steps we need.

First form page
Depending on the selected numbers at point 1) the number of input fields in point 2) varies.

First & second form page
On the first two form pages sums have to be calculated with javascript depending on the user input.

Joomla Template Configuration

Joomla Template Configuration

I have installed Joomla 1.5 on my domain guestmonitor(dot)com along with the Afterburner template from Rocket Theme. Being new with Joomla and poor with time i need someone to configure the template to look like the demo on the rocket theme site along with the following:

1. Change the afterburner logo with our logo (ready with us) along with a tag line.

2. Change the colour theme to match with the logo (dark grey and orange).

3. Install wordpress blog and match its look to the rest of the site.

4. Install twitter and facebook buttons on the home page.

Google Maps Directory Site

Google Maps Directory Site
We would like to see a portfolio of map based projects as well as good design examples.
If you do not have this, please do not bid!

We need a design, logo and full site design for our simple site.

we will be listing businesses on the site.

we would like to use google maps to map each business.

each business should appear as a dot on the map, this should be clickable to view more details in a small popup.

each business will then have a page which is linked to from this popup.

The site will require a cms also, possibly wordpress/joomla

we would like to have a very funky and fun design.

this will be the first iteration of the site if all goes well, so there will be ongoing work if the selected programmer does well.