Lowest Unique Bid Clone Site

Lowest Unique Bid Clone Site

Hello. I want someone to design me a Lowest Unique Bid website similar to littlebidtasty.com but with a similar colour scheme and design frontend to auction294.com Obviously it must be designed based on my site name though, with a logo designed etc. It will be your job to research how the site works, and incorporate all features into the site. The site must have multi-currency, including USD, GBP, EUR and ZAR (South African Rand), with an option to change currencies easily in the admin pane…

Mortgage Calculator

Mortgage Calculator

This is the project I need. for Monday morning at the latest. I have included the project expectations below that give details as to the expected output and how the program should work for the user. I also have a base set of code I will provide that I need used as a base template and need the functionality added to this code. I am also attaching what the expected output should look like in a word document: I also need a flowchart to detail the process flow of the code. Service Request SR-mf…

Simple Virtuemart Button Chang

Simple Virtuemart Button Chang

This should be simple for someone that knows joomla and virtuemart.
On the first page of check out there is a buttom that says Send Registration, I need it changed to Next>> so that it looks like the rest of the cart. There is also a static send registration button that I want removed from the same page

Joomla-pda/cell Integration

Joomla-pda/cell Integration

Need to be able to view videos placed on my Joomla website on any type of cell phone that can access the web. Only show me work related to this. If you copy and paste your portfolio and it is not related to the project you will be ignored.

I appreciate the programmers that take the time to read.

I have seen the plug-ins on the Joomla website but they only enable the site to be viewed not the videos through cell phones.

Joomla User Access

Joomla User Access

I am looking for a Joomla component (Extension) that will allow a company to list about 15 employees. Each staff member will have their own login to edit their profile. The profile must look very nice web 2.0 style. I will provide the fields needed to the bid winner. The staff members will need to login through the regular Joomla system, then they will be taken to their profile page where they can upload pictures and change their text.

What I am looking for is a component that will allow registered users to create a profile and be able to edit the profile with approval required from the SuperAdmininstrator when they make changes.

Each registered user will only be able to access and change their profile. They would not be able to edit anything else.

Joomla – Embed Video Directory

Joomla – Embed Video Directory

I have a website using Joomla and a directory plugin Mosets Tree.

In the directory on a listings page I need to be able to add a video popup – (http://videolightbox.com/) using the HD Player plugin – http://www.hdflvplayer.net/

I am able to add a popup video in the category sections as there is an editor for them – Click on the Hotel image – http://www.dublin.tv/index.php?option=com_mtree&task=listcats&cat_id=82&Itemid=157

But on a listing page there is no html editor so am unable to add one just above the main image – http://www.dublin.tv/index.php?option=com_mtree&task=viewlink&link_id=17&Itemid=228

So I need you to make a field to add a video in or to add an editor so I can edit the html.

All need you to turn on Search Engine Friendly Urls using mod rewrite.


Format Virtuemart Site

Format Virtuemart Site

I need a site that runs virtuemart for Joomla.

I’ve been playing with a few templates (myStorePlazza, JAZeolite, Emerchantilism). I’m not really worried which template but like the general layout of the templates mentioned.

I have already installed Joomla. I have myStorePlazza full package and Emerchantilism but not JAZeolite but can purchase if needed).

What I need:

1) You to format any one of the above on the domain.
2) To input logo (will provide)
3) Add links (home, products, new products, contact us)
4) Add main categories within Virtuemart and link under “products” via a drop-down. Add one sub-category and product for each (so 8 products with picture and description.)
5) Add left module position with main categories along left hand side of page
6) Add main categories with one product under each category. There are 8 main categories.
7) Replace bottom copyright info with site name (in css file).

All content will be easily copied from the client’s supplier website. No copyright worries as it is from their supplier.

*Please do not provide unreasonable quotes. I can do all this myself but am outsourcing to save time only.

Three Really Simple Jobs

Three Really Simple Jobs

1. I need to have search engine friendly urls for my Joomla website but am having problems setting it up. I have another Joomla site on the same server that has them so it should work fine.

2. I need this installed (http://videolightbox.com) on the Joomla site so I can show videos in a lightbox in these directory listings pages (http://www.dublin.tv/index.php?option=com_mtree&task=viewlink&link_id=17&Itemid=157) and within articles. Have a video player installed already – http://hdflvplayer.net/joomla/demo/index.php

3. I need some analytics and stats code added to a part of this website. All other pages/sections of the site has it except this one – http://www.travelguide.tv/video/


Joomla Install 2

Joomla Install 2

I have several store in OSC which I want to switch to Joomla but I need the Joomla installation. I will also need you to upload the home pages which correspond to each store. This is what I need.

1) install Joomla, 15 sites.

2) Upload products

3) You will make 200% sure each site is WORKING ERROR FREE

4) Make sure payment modules is charging the cc

5) Make sure shipping and taxes (State of Florida USA) are being charged.

6) You need to take the header in the Oscommerce template, and install it on the new Joomla.

7) Make sure all links on the home page are linked to the correct product.

8) The copyright should be the domain name

9) Make sure all the manufactures are paired with the products they make ( I can explain)

10 If you are going on Vacation or you think you have to take time off during the project, Please let me know now.

11) I need somebody who can do an excellent job

12 )Each site has to be SEO optimized and has to have quickbooks module intalled. There are other 3 or 4 modules which have to be installed.

13) I believe there is a way in Joomla to show or hide main categories.

14) The previous Oscommerce sites were injected with a malicious Trojan Virus to steal credit cards. I hope don’t do the same.


There may be an item or two which I have forgotten to include, I hope you are flexible enough to work with me on this.

I need this job started as soon as possible.

Airline Innovation Website

Airline Innovation Website

This project aims to deliver a full working website on which people can post their ideas for innovation. Furthermore, the option of relating these ideas with each other needs to be available, in such a way that a user/poster can identify 3 to 5 keywords on which can be searched for similar ideas.

A community builder, e.g. Community builder or JomSocial should also be integrated.
Extra option: A forum like Kunena or any kind.

The website needs to have a modern and smart look and feel, with possibly new webtechnologies integrated. The focus business area is the airline industry.