Directories Data Collection

Directories Data Collection

I need data from almost 2,000 (1800something) web directories (like
For each directory i need to collect:
– Price of featured inclusion if available
– Type (free inclusion/paid/bid)
– URL of “submit site” page
Then, check if the current geographic and niche categories are right. If not, update it.

You will use a custom script made by me, have a look at the screenshot attached.

Update Data Entry Form

Update Data Entry Form

I’m looking for someone that can help me as I’m in a jam trying figure out how to create a few pages with in using vb. I have created a data entry page that uses a stored procedure to insert data into my database. I’m now looking for a way that I can edit the items within the database on it’s own entry page (no gridview, client thinks it’s ugly). I have included two images. First image show a list of selectable names from a database query and the second shows an update user page. I can’t figure out how to code it so that the form is filled with the correct data and then modified with the updated data.

The project is to create the pages required to show me how to make the forms. You can create a sample database that has two tables. One table with the same columns as modify_user.jpg (user information) and the other table with a set of company names for the drop down, also in modify_user.jpg. I’m figuring this is basically three pages (user list page, modify user page and code behind page plus a stored procedure. Please comment out the sections so that I understand and for future reference.

If more information is required, please let me know so that I can better explain or show more examples.

Thanks for looking.


Gmail And Press Release Accoun

Gmail And Press Release Accoun

Dear Freelancers,

I am looking for someone to help me do the following:

1. Create 1 Gmail account.

2. Create 25 accounts at 25 sites I specify.

3. Then, submit my content to the 25 sites using the details I specify.


1. Able to do this within a day

2. Able to deliver promise

3. Lowest bid will always be considered FIRST!

I am expecting a cost lower than $15 for all these.
Many jobs available.

Long term Data Entry job available.
If this is done well we will repeat this process over
And over many times with you.


Excel Work / Data Entry

Excel Work / Data Entry

Hello, I have an Excel 2007 file with all contact record data in one column and we need a new Excel file created with the contact record data transformed into columns as follows:

Address Line 1
Address Line 2

The data file is approximately 93,600 lines long. I have attached a sample of the data file and a sample of the final output file that I want you to create for me. Some cleanup of the data will be necessary. The contacts are grouped by city in the data file, and because the city name is not included in each contact record, it must be input or copied into each contact record from above each group. Also, a few of the company names in contact records appear on two lines and must be combined into one field in your final file.

This is an easy project for someone that has good Excel skills. We expect that the data be kept private and you will be legally bound by non disclosure rules. Fake information has been randomly inserted into the data to assure no breach of this requirement. Only those with a high volume of excellent feedback should bid on this project. Quick completion required.

A quality control check will be conducted on the first 500 records and you will be required to submit a file for my review, and you will be allowed to proceed with the project only after my approval. A final quality control check will be conducted.

Maximum Calculations Of A Data

Maximum Calculations Of A Data

I am looking for a programmer to Deliver a finished project that shows the combinations that can be made from the numbers 1 through 30. The rules are simple. All values to be comma separated. No duplicates. Order does not matter. I have attached a sample spreadsheet that I have created manually. I am only down to 3 number combinations and I realized that this is something a computer should be able to do faster. I do not want to see one number combinations (ie, a single number by itself) counted as one combination. The combination must be atleast 2 numbers like 2,10. There should be no repeats in any cell. Like 2,2,1,10,12. So each number should only show up one time per cell if applicable. That means we start with:
1,5 all the way to 1,30
2,5 all the way to 2,30
After the first number gets all the way to 29,30, we move to three number combination possibilities. Like:
1,2,6 all the way to 1,2,30.

After the three number combination possibilities are done, we go to fours and so on until we get to 15 number combinations and once they are done, we do not go to sixteen. Even though there are 30 numbers to pull from, I do not want to see combinations of more then 15. Attached is a sample spreadsheet that I entered manually to show you the format I want. Pay careful attention to the fact that the pattern is careful to avoid duplicates combinations of any of the cells and duplicate numbers within each individual cell.

Weblinks And Search

Weblinks And Search


This project involves:
(1) Getting weblinks for 557 companies from a public website
(2) Searching for the year of founding & year of IPO for 557 companies.

I will give you an excel sheet with the names of companies. You will have to go here:
and get 3 specific links for each company.

1. You have a prior record
2. Ready to submit a sample so I know you have understood the project
3. Willing to accept payment on Scriptlance Escrow.

Drop a note in the PMB. And for eligible bidders, I will write back with detailed instructions and the data file.


Data Entry – Transcription

Data Entry – Transcription

Project: Review a scanned page of company listings. Transcribe each company name into excel.

300 Records total.

Work Required:
1) View image of company list
2) Transcribe each company into excel

Attached file is a sample of how the list will be delivered.

Further details in PMB. Please review before bidding.

There are 400 additional records to be completed if the first job is done well.

Need Database

Need Database

I need excel database of US recruiters / employment agencies- about 6500 numbers with the

1. Name of the co.
2. Address
3. Email
4. Phone
5. State/National
6. Category of jobs they are providing.

Anybody have the database ready can contact me.

I will be selecting the programmer shortly.


Product Transfer – Data Entry

Product Transfer – Data Entry


The following products needs to be inserted into a Cube Cart V3 store.

The website address is www. when you go on the site the Items some of the i need fall under top sellers.

Rabbit Vib. page 1. item 1-20

Bullets & Eggs page 1 item 1-20

Butt plugs Pages 1 item 1-20

Dongs page 1

Nipple play page 1 item 1-20

role play page 1 item Item 1-20

pelvic Exercisers – kegel page 1-item 1-20

from the lingerie Busties & corsets page 1 item 1-20

baby dolls page 1 item 1-20

dolls page 1 item 1-20


Strap on dildo pages 1-2
stag/hen night page 1-2
Lingerie page 1-5.

Please provide cost and time-frame.

Data Collection & Reporting

Data Collection & Reporting

The objective of this project is to have a central repository (site) that will assist in creating decisions to questions resulting from a bigger project. Our aim is to have data entry forms to encourage collaboration and then to have various view pages (reporting) that will display the results. Because there will be library tables for lookups, we will also require “Admin” pages where we can edit the backend values. The site is to be created in VB.Net with SQL 2005 as its backend. AJAX is preferred but not required.
All code and source must be provided and explained for future development.

In Detail, we would like a database that will contain tables housing:
Servers and relevant data about them, including CPU, Disk, and other physical attributes, along with OS and version, its primary IP, if it’s a member of a cluster, application(s) it is hosting, location, vendor, support costs and expiration date.
Applications and their dependencies, version, vendor, number of users, security groups allowed access, servers hosting this application (can be more than 1), licensing and support costs.
Devices (like Cisco Routers, Switches, F5 load balancers, Riverbed appliances, etc), their OS and version, location, support costs and expiration date

We have 4 datacenters that are housing many servers, network appliances, storage devices, and applications. We want to tie everything back to the current datacenter that it resides in, along with selecting a BCP location (disaster recover). Applications will need to be tied to servers. We would also like Application dependencies to be entered at a generic level, such as IIS, Excel, SQL, etc.

Much of the data in the tables will need to be entered on several web forms that we would like created, but some tables will contain relatively constant data, such as application dependencies (IIS, Excel, SQL, Word, etc) or Vendors (Dell, Microsoft, etc). We would like the forms using the data in the application dependencies and vendors libraries presented as a dropdown menu or selection of some sort to make the relation between tables. We want the relations so that running reports will be able to present things such as total support costs for the vendor Dell, or total number of applications having the dependency of IIS, and the like.