WordPress Fixes Need Now
+++++++++++ NUMBER 1 ++++++++++++++++
If you got to: utahaccidentattorney.info
You will see the top navigation:
I need it to be
I then need categories to be fixed… If you currently click on categories it goes to a categories page, I don’t want it to do that at all. I want it so: You click on categories, the ‘hover’ stays on and the drop down menu appears, now in the drop down menu, I want to display all the catagories I currently have “medical, cases, etc”. WHen they select lets say Medical, they will see all the posts related to medical.
Then, on the contact button, I want a very simple but fills out the same width wise with a contact form
[Phone Number:]
[How Did You Find Us:]
I need it sent to my email. I need it to say thanks when its submitted.
+++++++++++++++++++++ NUMBER TWO +++++++++++++++++++++
ON the right hand side where it says “CHECK IN WITH US” I need the “links” removed and I want only “Latests Posts” left.
++++++++++++++++++++ NUMBER THREE ++++++++++++++++++++
POPULAR ENTRIES widget, I need the “Popular Posts” removed. So it can all slide up. I need the “comment” and “posts” to be the same color as the ‘catagories’ links on the right hand side, on hover I want it to be black. I just need that to look better.
+++++++++++++++++ NUMBER FOUR +++++++++++++++++++++
I need the Categories widget i need just that word to be capitalized.
Just make this site fit in with the bottom.
Id like to change the top of each widget with a new graphic:
So it fits in with the bottom, so I will need that done to.