Finish Website

Finish Website
Previously a programmer was hired to create a website. He did quite a lot on the site and the bulk is done. The previous project read as follows:

I am looking for someone with skills and who is fast.

I do some websites myself, but have to many projects at the moment.

I have created the basic site template in photoshop cs3. The template doesn’t have to be exactly the same but the same sort of style etc.

The site will be used by three different groups of people. Admin, User and Fan.

User being the main focus of the site. User will have there own profile and home pages. Where every users page will be like there own site, with blog, music player and music track sales, image gallery, profile picture and events. On their own home page They will be able to upload their tracks, view stats etc.

Fans can sign up and follow “Users”. They can then comment on Users pages etc. They will have their own home pages displaying all their “Users”. They will have a basic profile with picture their info and who they are following.

The sites main home page will have latest, users, popular users and a monthly podcast download.

There is a bit more to it but nothing anymore hectic than above and not that much.

Dupal and Joomla etc can be used.

Site is hosted on Linux server.

The site has already been created though. And there is a list of finishes that need to be done.

I cannot stress the urgency of this project enough. The maximum no of days is 7. The maximum budget for this project is $25o. I do need someone who knows exactly what they are doing.


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