WordPress Theme Change

Im looking for a php programmer with lots of wordpress knowledge to help me out…. basically what i want is to make a new website using the script at http://www.forexinvestingpro.com however i want th theme changed from the forex market to general stock marketing and investing info

Then i want to make a 2nd site again using the same script but this time i want the theme to be affiliate marketing

I will provide 20 articles to the programmer related to general stock marketing and investing info and another 20 related to affiliate marketing so basically you will just ahve to swap those out and change the design up a little bit maybe a new header and logo… I know all the google adsense ads will change automatically to the new content so that should be easy…

THe script uses tubepress for the videos, this may have to be adjusted to get videos related to the new topics instead of the current forex videos since im not sure if this changes based on site content or settings

Once the above 2 sites are done i would continue to work with the same programming for other themes using the exact same script

any questions ASK BEFORE YOU BID PLEASE because i expect the programmer i choose to be able to do all this without too much issues 🙂

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