Site Qa / Browser + Os Testing

Site Qa / Browser + Os Testing
We have a website in development that is almost complete. We are currently in need of an expert coder that can QA the site and make sure it works well with ie6-ie8, firefox, safari, chrome, Windows XP, Vista, W7, and Apple OS’s.

Along with the QA process, we will require this person to ensure all forms work, captcha code installed, error checks on forms, email sent off, and thank-you page loaded upon submission of form.

Total Pages to QA: Approximately 15.

Who We’re Looking For:
We’re looking for a person that is an expert in html, php, jquery, css, etc. Pretty much, a ninja coder. This person will be called upon from time to time to work on various website projects to code, slice and QA.

Please send your bid along with your estimated time required to complete this project along with your qualifications.

Upon completion of this project, we can discuss further work and possibly joining our team on a more regular basis.

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