Animation doesn’t have to be complex to be engaging and, as the Ricky Gervais Show podcasts demonstrate, even a simple dialogue between three people can become top animated entertainment. In this Active Premium Tutorial we’re going to draw inspiration from Mr.Gervais and animate a chunk of the Envato Community Podcast.
What’s Covered?
Dive in now and learn about planning, decision making and the technical basics of Flash animation.
- Preparation: Flash version and document setup.
- Sound: Importing and handling sound.
- Labeling: Planning and labeling the animation.
- Labeling: Taking labeling further with AS3 .
- Theory: The Preston Blair phoneme series.
- Theory: Closure.
- Design: Character design.
- Workflow: Importing and organizing graphics.
- Animation: Working with symbols.
- Animation: Random Blinking.
- Animation: Repetitive sequences.
- Direction: Complementary movement and artistic license.
- Execution: Exporting for video.