Protect your website from attacks, A htaccess trick

2009 was the black year of attacks.Thousands of sites were attacked .

Root cause of these attacks were either Script Vulnerability (for example < Joomla 1.5.7)

In this simple tutorial i am introducing you safer way to protect your website using htaccess file.

Follow these steps.


Know your IP


and find your IP address

ie. we get our IP
Lets say
Step 2.

Protecting your admin directory

in most of the scripts you find your admin directory are

For Joomla:administrator
For WordPress:wp-admin
For Vbulletin:admincp
For most of E-commerce scripts it is :admin (for example Magento,Zen-cart,OS Commerce etc)

Please Locate your admin directory

Suppose we have our admin directory (Site backend ) as wp-admin



We are protecting our admin directory from attackers.

Now in

find .htaccess and open it with text-editor

A.If you are sure your IP is static(call your ISP to confirm it)

add this code to your .htaccess

satisfy any
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
require valid-user

B.If your IP is not static (It is dynamic hence)

add this code to your .htaccess

satisfy any
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from 175.189.
require valid-user

Going to prevent others to enter your site.

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