Official iOS 8 User Guide For iPhone And iPad Now Available

While many of the more significant features in iOS 8, like third-party keyboard and widget support, are abundantly clear, the lesser obvious features often go unnoticed.


But those taking the time to read the user guide will likely enjoy a more fruitful experience in the long run, and whether you’ve just applied the update to your current iPhone / iPad or are waiting on the imminent release of the iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus, the guide will stand you in good stead.



The past day or so has been pretty hectic as far as iOS 8 is concerned, but although some iPhone 4s users might disagree at this stage, there doesn’t appear to have been any major incidents. Of course, it’s still early doors, and if any sort of problem is reported, escalation and widespread panic can often ensue.

However, iOS 8 seems to have trickled out to the masses quite painlessly, and if you’re among the early adopters, be sure to grab the iPhone user guide from the iBookstore.



iOS always arrives in conjunction with a new iPhone, and with two handsets hitting retail this Friday, those who’ve pre-ordered or are planning on queuing up should also take this opportunity to familiarize themselves with the guide that Apple has compiled.



As also mentioned in Apple’s release notes, the user guide is applicable to all iPhones and iPads running on iOS 8. So whatever your particular poison, the iPhone and iPad iOS 8 User Guide is completely free, and if you do happen to spot any cool, intriguing, or otherwise noteworthy features as you’re browsing through, be sure to share them with us in the comment section below!

(Download: iOS 8 User Guide for iPhone / iPad)

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